Mon. Jan 27th, 2025


pooja kawatra
Hello There!! Thanks for visiting my blog and taking out time to read about me.
I am Pooja, mom to the two most beautiful angels (Aayan & Kaira) and happily married to my college sweetheart (Nikhil).We four together make a perfect blessed family.
When our little prince “Aayan” came into our lives, I have started writing about his milestones, my parenting experiences (in his scrapbook), jotting down my food recipes( from baby recipes to my experiments) in my diary.

Before he was born if someone would have asked me about writing a blog, my expression would be like “mmm !! Blog and me “ a bit of an impossible mission.

Though I have always loved reading those parenting experiences or articles in the magazines but blogging was relatively new for me and very little time to spend on it especially when you have a little angel and you are an FTWM( Full time working mom) both at home as well in the office.
My hubby has always been my greatest strength and support, there was not a single moment when he has not encouraged me to just follow my passion and live up to my dreams.
Life has shown us the phase where everything seems to be out of our reach and we were not sure what is held for tomorrow. We together have surpassed the difficult phase in our lives and he always stood by me whether rain or the sunshine.

I was diagnosed with cancer (Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma) when my little son was just 9 months and I only had tears in my eyes when I heard it from my doctor with an unknowing thought of what next?One thing which was very much clear in my heart whether my mind supported me or not- “I have to come out of it”

Every day I reminded myself ” Tough time never last but tough people do !” 

Finally fighting with it and living as a Cancer survivor and back to my office and normal routine. I had simultaneously started writing in 2011 with few parenting experiences and recipes.
Our little princess “Kaira “ came into our life, by now I already have an experience so now it was time to venture out more this time.  Raising a daughter and a son are two wonderful yet different experiences. I am learning a new thing every day with my kids. It is fun cooking, enjoying the craft, painting with my kids.
Today, I have 7,600+ likes on Mums&babies Facebook page and more than 72 K followers on Instagram and thanks for being part of this little Mums&babies world.

Featured as top parent bloggers in Singapore By The Asian parent

#TAPfluencer #Tickled Media #TheAsianParent

 Giftopia movement

Featured in New Age Parenting Magazine!

new age parent

We are happy to be associated with SCBB(Cord Blood)-

“When GOD solves your problems, you have faith in his abilities. When he doesn’t solve your problems, he has faith in your abilities…!!!