Sat. Mar 29th, 2025

Learning from Navratri: Nine Day festival worshipping Goddess Durga


Navratri is a 9-day fasting festival dedicated to Goddess Durga! Navratri is a Hindu festival that spans nine nights and is celebrated every year in the autumn. It is observed for different reasons and celebrated differently in various parts of the Indian cultural sphere.


I have been celebrating Navratri since I was 5-6 years old and used to do fasting with my parents. It had such a strong impact growing up and believing that we all can be strong and inspires us to be positive.navratri She is that ray of hope for us when things are not in our control.navratri

⭕I always remind myself that we can learn so much from Navratri ⭕

  •  Be Fearless

The stronger we are from the inside, the more fearless we are perceived on the outside.


  • Adaptable

Like Durga maa who took her Trishul when she has to protect but at the same time she is so calm to bless her kids.


  • Patience

We all wish for things to work our ways but life has no shortcuts. Everything happens for a reason and it happens at the right time only.


  •  Live life to the fullest

Life is made up of moments so live every moment and treasure them. This moment will remain with you for a moment only so make it a celebration.


  • Positivity

When you stay positive and surround yourself with positivity, it can change your life and thoughts. Everything will start falling in the right place.


Thank you Mata Rani for blessing us🙏


Pooja Kawatra


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