Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

#ThisLittleGirlisMe |Inspiring Girls Singapore

#ThisLittleGirlIsMe is a campaign in line with International Day of the Girl 2021 to shine a light on female role models and encourage girls to follow a range of inspiring women.


This little girl’s world always revolved around her family, it was her dream place, even if she had limited things with her, her dreams were always unlimited!!

She wanted to travel the world one day and study in the best University, thinking then only she can make a difference and get recognition. But then she cannot afford such thing!

Her dad was her biggest supporter whom she lost years ago. He always pushed her to do more, he wanted to see her grow into a confident girl who could stand on the stage and speak in front of the world.

Growing up she thought these are just her dreams. She was even turned down for a job because they thought she could not write or express her thoughts.

She survived cancer even when her doctors told her that her chemo is not working but then she knew there was so much she wanted to achieve in her life.

She knew that hard times were the stepping stones in her life and no one could stop her if she set her mind on something.

And nothing stopped her because she looked back only to see how far she has come!

#ThisLittleGirlisMe today, who is a cancer survivor, mommy, career woman, entrepreneur, founder, writer, guide, dreamer, cook, soulmate to her hubby who is now her biggest supporter and a magician to her kids for whom she is the best!!

What advice I would give to my younger self and other girls around the world including my little daughter, is “Always believe in yourself, even when no one else will believe in you. You are the one who saw this dream, not anyone else.”

Featured on Inspiring Girls Facebook Page


This initiative is dedicated to raising young girls’ female role models. Check out #ThisLittleGirlIsMe for more stories on awesome, inspiring women.

Thank you @inspiringgirlsint @inspiringgirls_sg @the_scwo @ppissg and Miriam González Durántez for including me in this meaningful campaign.


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