Sat. Mar 29th, 2025

Maiden name vs Married name

maiden name vs married name

⭕Maiden name vs Married name⭕ Changing your maiden name to a married name is such a norm in our society that it is by default expected as you get married. When I got married mostly people used to think that my maiden name is my married name.

maiden married nameMany of them even asked me that why I didn’t change my maiden name. Is that I am not happy or I don’t love my hubby or am I too feminist?

To be honest, it has nothing to do with Feminism nor my love for him.

So one day I discussed this with Nikhil that do you really think I should change my maiden name because everyone asks this question.

He said, “How that is going to make any difference, you will remain the same?”.

Back in 2007, When we decided to move to Singapore, everyone said this is your last chance to change your mind as your name will go into Marriage Certificate and also the right time to get it updated in your passport. Well, our marriage certificate goes by my maiden name only.

After having kids, I still go by my maiden name whenever I am filling or signing their school forms, documents or updating our family stuff.

Sometimes out of curiosity Aayan & Kaira used to ask, “Why Mumma has a different name?”

Nikhil said that is the name with which “Mumma is born!”.

🥰You don’t change people you love, you love them as they are!!🥰

Other day, I was discussing this with one of my friends after she has shared in her stories that even today in 2021 woman is expected to change her maiden name. Changing your maiden name should be a choice and not a compulsion for every woman.

How important it is for you/your family and did you face any issues with it?

Happiest couple never has the same character!

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