Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Sibling Comparison!

Parenting knowingly or unknowingly comes with a COMPARISON!! Whether you are a parent of one or two measuring your kid/s move with others at times become a norm. comparison sibling kid
We as a parent think if we are not comparing or pushing our kids we are not doing our job as a parent otherwise how kids will learn or do their best.

Even though most of the time parents don’t aim to hurt their kids but these comparisons do more harm than good.

We know that no two kids are the same, not even the siblings, they have different talents, different hobbies, different strength and they develop at different rates also.

Siblings Comparison

As a mom of two comparing both Aayan and Kaira’s milestones was quite normal thinking that with a gap of 5 years I have almost forgotten the different stages so it is easier this way  (just an excuse in my mind).

BUT No…..

We realized that both have their own personalities and interests 👲Aayan is always into reading, skating, cycling, lego more inclined towards science and so on…

whereas for

👸Kaira is always loved doing painting, crafts, swimming, pretend play.

As a parent we realised that this comparison will only teach them that life is only about COMPETING and COMPARING even with their strength they will always feel that they are not enough.

You can always keep trying with them to explore new things to figure out if they have some interest in it or not and always remember to praise and appreciate every little effort they make towards trying out a new activity. You never know a little word of appreciation and not comparison will build their confidence.

Focus on the positives and strengths in your child, rather than looking at what they are missing.

Happy Parenting!!


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