Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

Looking at Life beyond grades!

Life Beyond Grades

Life Beyond Grades is an initiative started by a group of parents, who aim to drive a mindset shift among all in Singapore, to alleviate the increasing pressures of school on our children. This campaign is led by Tjin Lee, Aarika Lee, Dolores Au, Derek Ong and Charmaine Seah.

PSLE (Primary School Leaving Examination) is a national examination in Singapore that is administered by the Ministry of Education and taken by all students near the end of their sixth year in primary school before they move on to secondary school. PSLE is starting from tomorrow and surely we all want our kids to perform their best and score good PSLE grades.Life beyond grades

Everyday sitting at the playground with my kids I felt “Is that I am the only one not taking my kids for any enrichment or tuitions?” To add more to it once a friend of mine asked me, “Why don’t you send your kids for any classes – you don’t want your kids to learn more or is it that you want to save all the money?”

I came back home and thought about those words, it hurts me somewhere in my heart, “Am I unfair to my kids?” I asked my hubby and he said, “Why do they need these classes?” Just because everyone else is joining or we can’t spend some time with kids helping them out.

Aayan is in Grade 4 now and so far we have not gone for any tuitions.

Many parents thought that all those who are sharing or writing about it comes from an influential or rich background so it is easier for them to say all these words.

I am not from a high SES background and started with my first job at age 21 to support my family. I was rejected at one of the interviews and I got the reason that I couldn’t write well on a topic listed there. It was 12 years back and never thought that I am going to take that as a career later in my life.

It was quite depressing for me at that age also but do we know that there is an increase in Singaporean children with depression or the ones who attempted to take their lives because they didn’t meet their parent’s expectations at the young age?

I am sure we would have reminded our kids every time they don’t study or do well in their school that they are going to end up with a poor job or will never have one in the future. 

Life Beyond Grades

I have always believed that Grades don’t define us they may give us an edge at one point but real life begins after it.

For me, I do encourage my kids to have a disciplined routine but not at the expense of eliminating everything from their childhood. We go to the playground, swimming, board games.

Now at this stage of my life, no one asks me how much I have SCORED in my boards as they didn’t define me where I am standing TODAY.

I won’t have been able to survive CANCER if not my parents have instilled those LIFE SKILLS to overcome any up and downs in life and to stay positive.

The same goes for my kids and there are some important values and skills which I want to instill in my kids are GRATITUDE, SHARING, PERSEVERANCE and staying POSITIVE in every situation.

With my elder one studying in P4 and not attending any coaching for studies everyone around us have been stressing about PSLE and how we need to start concentrating on it.

I want to hear you all so do share your PSLE/Board scores and let’s break that stigma of talking about those grades, good or bad.

If you are reading it now that means you have already succeeded in your life. Share your story and tag your friends who might be interested or have an inspiring story to share.

Let’s join hand together and make our kids’ childhood memorable!  Hoping that when we open our heart it will create a better world for our kids.

Always remember that there are so many paths to success, as long as you persevere and do your best.

LIfe Beyond Grades

We understand that scores are part of our growing years and this campaign is not telling kids that grades are not important, or not to study hard or for that matter not to give your best.

It just aims that these grades are not everything in our lives and we know that some kids are academically good and we should certainly encourage them.

At the same time, many other kids are just not academically so good but they have other strengths and at no point should be made feel worthless and insecure because they are solely measured by an academic yardstick.

I am taking my Alexa Rank to the next Level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa challenge. Catch my reads on Twitter.



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9 thoughts on “Looking at Life beyond grades!”
  1. Absolutely agree with you on this one Pooja. I am exactly the same way with my kids. My kids are 16 and 13 and they don’t go for any classes too. Whenever they epressed an interest in a particular sport or hobby, i had encouraged them and they took it up as long as they liked it. No pressure at all. And i have parents who do ask me why i haven’t enrolled my kids in FIIT JEE or other competitive classes. Me and my husband have never wanted that for our kids. We want them to have unstructured play time and time to do leisurely activities. My daughter is a creative writer, budding poet, gifted artist and painter. She is content doing things and learning things on her own and my son is an all-rounder in cricket and football. But unless they themselves don’t ask us to enroll them in something we dont do it. And it has been the best decision ever. Hope coming from a senior mom, it would affirm your faith that you are doing the right thing. Sorry didn’t mean to flood your comments column but this topic is very close to my heart, so words just started pouring out. Great going. Keep up the good work.

  2. I enjoyed this read. Definitely no one asks my grades, but we come across this realisation only after we are way beyond our study years. I have known many who were really scared before exams. One such girl who used to score really well did not appear for her board exams because she had an anxiety attack! Anyways we do need to nurture our kids and help them pursue their interests without pushing them only for academic excellence

    Namratha from #firstgreenstep

  3. You’re totally right, grades are important but there are more important lessons in life too and sometimes the parameters of testing are not enough to judge the potential of child. Someone ones said if fish is judged on it’s ability to climb tree it’ll fail but her talent lies in swimming.. so we should let our children free from this old oppressive education system

  4. Though My son is still small enough for school. But I believe that’s something we all should look for, Only Academic excellence would not to the needed justice to their curious minds. An overall healthy development is so much the need of the hour. When they have ample to opportunities to try and learn

  5. Yes, I also believe that there is a LIfe Beyond Grades. No doubt, PSLE exams are the biggest national exam for every 12-year-old in a local school, and many parents in Singapore are probably emotionally invested in child’s school affairs and achievements, especially during exams and For them I want to share some more tips that can help students and parents to understand more about PSLE

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