Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Marble Cake | Philips Airfryer

Marble cake philips airfryer

I have been eyeing on an Airfryer from a long time but couldn’t decide whether to go for it as we don’t cook much of deep fried food. On another thought will it be just an appliance sitting on my kitchen top. Finally got Philips Airfryer and falling in love with it as can cook relatively faster and less or no oil at all.

Kids are pretty happy that  mom is baking chicken for dinner more often and you get yummy baked veggies too. While flipping the recipe book again, I realised that we can actually bake as well.

Marble cake airfryer

I already have two ovens -one big size and one small in my home so baking a cake in Air fryer was not so appealing and I relate Air fryer more to cooking snacks etc. Still thought of baking a cake in Air Fryer solely with a thought it will be quicker and less messy.

Marble cake airfryer

This is a quick recipe with few ingredients only.

Marble Cake Philips Airfryer


All purpose flour – 120 g

or Plain flour + Baking powder (1 1/2 tsp)

Butter- 120 g

Milk- 40-50 ml

Castor sugar- 110g

Cocoa powder- 1 tbsp

Eggs -2

Vanilla Essence- 1/2tsp


  1. Preheat your Air fryer on 160 c for 10 minutes (160 is already set on Airfryer setting for baking)
  2.  With a blender or mixer, make a creamy and fluffy mix of butter and sugar.

Marble cake airfryer

3. Add in eggs (one at a time) and blend in well followed by milk and vanilla essence.

4. Add your flour into it and mix it well.

Marble cake airfryer

5. Separate into two parts and in one part add cocoa powder. Taking one spoon from each mixture and pouring in alternatively in your baking pan.

6. I just did this with a toothpick and here the mixture with cocoa powder is more since my kids over do it always.


7. Bake for 25 mins on 160 c and take out to see if cooked well.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Loving this hassle free cooking!




I am taking my Alexa Rank to the next Level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa challenge. Catch my reads on twitter


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15 thoughts on “Marble Cake | Philips Airfryer”
    1. Thank you! Frankly speaking, I thought twice before baking this cake in an air fryer and why to do when having an oven. It took lesser time and came nicely and moist.

  1. Even I didn’t know that we could even bake cakes in an air-fryer until i read this post! It is visible how well the cake came out! Did you try making samosa’s in Air-fryer? I tried to follow the recipe from youtube but they never turn out as they do for them who is showing it in the video! I would be great if you happen to have a recipe and instructions for the same.

  2. It came out really well and the best part is it was moist as well. I have not tried samosa yet but give a try soon. Not sure whether you eat non-veg but other day roasted and grilled chicken with veggies for dinner. Kids super loved it.

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