Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Our Family Run |Cold Storage Kids Run 2018

cold storage kids run 2018

Kids have added another feather to their achievements with Cold Storage Kids Run this year. We had a pretty packed weekend with two consecutive days to Sentosa for fun and I was not sure whether Aayan & Kaira will still be able to make up for this early morning run. They reminded me to wake them up for this run to participate and get the medal.

cold storage kids run 2018

Here waiting to start our family run and every kid out there was so excited to jump! Loved how this Cold Storage Kids Run brings all the families together every year to participate and spend time outside in a healthy and positive way. I am sure Sunday mornings are too lazy to get up and event an attend but without a fail, I see the huge crowd every year gathering at Sentosa for this fun time.

cold storage run 2018

This was one of the competitive runs which was already happening when we reached.

cold storage run 2018

There were many activities for kids to enjoy after the run from a bouncy castle to drawings, post it activities, puzzles and food stalls.

cold storage run 2018

Cold Storage Kids Run

Even though it was not too sunny at that time but too humid there.

cold storage run 2018

My little girl was angry with me because she thought that I have stopped her in the middle of this run to click a photo. I told her that she has already finished the run but she cried that run can’t be so short. Maybe next year she will participate in a long run at Cold Storage Kids Run.

cold storage run 2018

Until next year, let us enjoy our this year run and medals. See you all next year!!

cold storage run 2018


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7 thoughts on “Our Family Run |Cold Storage Kids Run 2018”
  1. Awww look how into it the kids are! I think it’s awesome that you race as a family and are instilling physical activity into your kids at a young age. Plus what a sense of accomplishment they must have! Ya’ll must be tired though after 2 races!

  2. This sounds like a great event. What an awesome way to get the whole family involved! Sounds like your kids are ready for the next one!

  3. what a enjoyable family bonding. We had a family fun run early this year and my daughter was so excited just like your kids. Running can an extra source of happiness to our little ones right?!

  4. This sounds like such a lovely experience for the little ones, what a great way to teach them the benefits of running, keeping fit and enjoying friendly competition so young!

  5. Congratulations to them it’s an amazing achievement! This is a great even that brings families together and it looks like so much fun. Your photos are amazing.

  6. This is so cool!! I hope I will do the same when I have the family one day. It’s fun and healthy! And you are making memories with the most important peeps in your life!!

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