Thu. Mar 27th, 2025

Stronger Child with better Digestion!


With an arrival of a newborn, our entire life revolves around the little baby and it took me down to my baby days when as a first-time parent I was learning something new every day. Healthy eating habits with proper digestion is one thing which is always there on every parent’s mind be it a newborn or your grown-up kid.w sentosa

I remember with my son he used to have severe constipation and we tried almost every home remedy which sometimes worked well since he started with his childcare was on formula milk in his centre we had a terrible time because he had no appetite, vomit or stiff stomach. As a new parent sometimes figuring out the right reason is a bit tricky thing and it could be anything. It reminds me of habit which we all might have done whenever preparing milk for babies we end up shaking it so hard that it makes bubble which is another culprit for gassy baby.


Did You Know?

  • Baby’s digestive system is still immature (small stomach, less digestive enzymes), so they cannot easily take in and break down over-processed foods
  • Food is often processed with high heat and as a result, the natural structure of proteins gets damaged or destroyed. The same goes for milk formula. Once milk proteins are overheated, they may not be easily absorbed and may cause your child to suffer from protein indigestion and digestive discomfort.
  • Friso has LockNutri Process Technology™ which uses mild heat treatment during milk processing, preserving milk proteins so it can be readily absorbed by your child.
  • To ensure the survival of live bacteria, boiled water should be cooled down to below 40°C (warm water) before preparing milk formula.
  • Milk shaken in a feeding bottle always produces bubbles, which disappear eventually. It’s best to swirl or lightly shake the bottle horizontally, not vertically. This reduces the production of air bubbles.
  • If your child is constipated, you should not dilute the milk to ensure that he/she gets the maximum nutrients from it. It is better to feed your child extra water in between feeding times.


Since I know that my kids had this issue when they were babies so I have been inculcating the right habits to improve their digestion naturally by including

  • Fibre-rich diet
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables/ salads
  • Outdoor play which involves more physical exercise
  • More fluids less sugar
  • Limiting processed food
  • Eat slowly and properly chewing their food

If your kid is still young do check out the appropriate Friso range which has locknutri technology which preserves milk protein and comes with nutrients like prebiotic and probiotic making Digestion easier for your child. digestion

“Kids learn from experiences whether big or small, good or bad. That’s why Friso provides the right nutrition for your child to be strong inside to take on challenges.”

#frisostronginside #frisosg #frisoexperience

Read more about Health and DigestionH here. For more information on Friso, check our their Facebook page or Instagram.



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3 thoughts on “Stronger Child with better Digestion!”
  1. This is such a well informative post. The great digestive system plays a vital role in our overall health. Right nutrients dense foods are essential for everybody, not just kids.

  2. My youngest had digestive issues and once I took her out of day care and started watching what she consumed more, I noticed a big difference. Everything you listed from the fiber rich food to more activity had been our lifestyle and truly helps us all.

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