Tue. Mar 18th, 2025

POPULAR Reader Choice Awards 2017

bookfest Singapore

My kids are book lovers who have their our own mini library at home with a book collection since their birth. Our hunt for buying books is obviously POPULAR Book Store and we actually can’t give a miss everytime we visit the nearest mall. We got another wonderful opportunity to explore more books and if you are a book reader then you must have heard about BookFest@Singapore which is Singapore’s largest and most successful book festival over the past ten years. POPULAR reader Choice Awards is an initiative by Popular book Store where we all readers can vote for our favourite books in various categories by local authors.

bookfest Singapore

We have received two of the nominated books to read and to share with all of you as well. Here are the two books –

  • Sengkang Snoopers – The Mystery of the Hermits Hut
  • Danger Dan and Gadget Girl

bookfest Singapore

Sengkang Snoopers – The Mystery of the Hermits Hut is written by Peter Tan and this is a mystery book where the story revolves around a brother and a sister with their travel plans. Su Lin , Su Yang along with the rest of the snoopers – Zizi, Bus and Kuning have spent their school holidays on Pulau Ubin where they discovered a mysterious hut at the top of a quarry hill where a hermit is rumoured to live.

bookfest Singapore

Aayan mentioned to me that you won’t put down this book until you have finished the entire story and find out the mystery. What next after every chapter will make you glued to it until the end.

bookfest Singapore

The second book we have read is Danger Dan and Gadget Girl by Lesley-Anne & Monica Lim.

bookfest Singapore

Even before we started reading this book, we were amazed to read about what other primary going kids have to say about this book. Though we have not read the earlier series this was a really interesting read as well.

bookfest Singapore

A story revolves around Danny his bean sprout plant, his lost dog, a girl from future and botanical Garde. There is so much to learn in this book and how things will change. bookfest Singapore

POPULAR Reader choice awards

 Choose from these three categories – English (Adult), English (Children) and Chinese.

Voting will end on 5 Nov 2017 and winners will be announced during the Readers’ Choice Awards Prize Presentation Ceremony at BookFest@Singapore 2017

V0te here for Readers Choice Award:http://www.bookfestsingapore.com/readerschoice/

  • Multiple entries are not allowed
  • Contest is open to all Singaporeans and Permanent Residents of Singapore
  • Prizes are neither transferrable nor redeemable for cash


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2 thoughts on “POPULAR Reader Choice Awards 2017”
  1. I love mysteries! I feel like getting a copy and take a read. As adults, often we’ve forgotten about the simple things we used to enjoy as a child. Glad that your kids have cultivated a good habit! I’ll probably get for my niece too 🙂

  2. good to know as we seldom take time to read books. shall find books that I have to start reading again with my children. 😀 This copy shall check soon in book store.

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