Tue. Mar 18th, 2025

Ang Tatva|Homemade Beauty Regime

Ang Tatva

I am a big follower of kitchen wonders and love to try out things which can come easily off your kitchen shelf. I remember my childhood days when mom used everything homemade only be it is an orange peel scrub, Desi ghee for head massage, curd to remove tanning, egg for conditioning. Nothing can actually beat the natural ingredients straight from your home without any chemicals. That is how I discovered “Ang Tatva” which is Misha’s baby with a tagline “Your Beauty Regime- Homemade and Personalised”.

Ang Tatva

I have been reading about Ang Tatva products and its review but was not sure whether they deliver internationally but luckily spoke to her and placed my order. She has sent it along with a friend.Ang Tatva

I love to use scrubs and always feel that it makes my skin so refreshing and smooth but with my busy routine hardly get the time to follow my regime as I still do the scrub from my kitchen products. Ang Tatva is my saviour!

Ang Tatva

Ang Tatva : Kaya Tatva Scrub off

Ingredients: Rava, Brown Sugar, Baking soda, Orange Peel, Aloe vera, lemon peel, neem leaves, Kesar and many more herbs.

All these ingredients are natural without any chemicals added to it. Every bottle is personalised and you can even discuss your skin issues so that the team can advise you the right product for your skin.

Simply mix this scrub with aloe vera or curd to make a thick paste and gently massage for a while and let it rest for 15 minutes. I felt a little sensation (you might not feel) on face after it and you have a refreshing skin afterwards.

Ang Tatva

Ang Tatva : Kesh Tatva- Miracle Mask 

Key Ingredients: Pure Homemade ghee, Amla, Mahabhrinraj, Brahmi, Neem along with other ayurvedic herbs.

I know that some people don’t like to use it thinking about ghee but it doesn’t smell anything like ghee and all I can smell is those herbs more of Bhrinraj. It took me back to my childhood time when my mom used to add bhrinraj, amla etc to ghee and apply on our hair. Trust me you will fall in love with your hair again.

Before using properly mix the oil and herbs which will settle down, take some of it to warm a little before applying it on your hair. I would recommend keeping at least for an hour though I am okay to keep it for few hours also.

The only issue I always find with ghee is that I need to wash thrice to remove all of it from my hair.

Ang Tatva

Ang Tatva : Kaya Tatva- Coffee bean Scrub

I swear by a coffee scrub for body and how I started using was because of the coffee lying in my kitchen as we always buy it but drink once only. Ang Tatva’s coffee scrub has more than it into every bottle.

Ingredients Freshly ground coffee beans, aloe vera, sugar and coconut

Ang Tatva

Do you know that Caffeine helps to tighten your skin as reduce cellulite too? Since Caffeine is loaded with antioxidants it also helps to fight premature skin ageing like wrinkles, dark spots also. I prefer to use coffee scrub for my body only as I have a bit of sensitive skin.

This is not a sponsored review and my personal experience using these products as I recommend the natural products which are easily available in our homes.


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6 thoughts on “Ang Tatva|Homemade Beauty Regime”
  1. This tatva homemade regimen looks so interesting. I am looking for my new skin care regimen and it seems this is the best on my skin type. I am looking forward to this.

  2. I absolutely love the produxts by AngTatva. I use the coffee scrub too. Have you tried the lavender bath salts? truly helps me unwind after a long hard day

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