Motherhood is an overwhelming journey when becoming a mom for the first time is full of joy, love and a lot of anxiety at the same time.
The very first thought is “Will I be able to do a justice to all my roles and be a good mother?” (read PERFECT). Now going forward I will gain a title “Mama is my name”.
I feel that we are never prepared for Motherhood at any point of time but the first feel of knowing that “YOU ARE EXPECTING” just changed every emotion in you. When you know that the little one growing inside you simply makes your entire world perfect.
There isn’t any one thing which has changed me as a mom but growing along with my kids has changed me manifold.
Motherhood has changed me to enjoy those simple things in life which can bring the biggest joy and content in our life when I watch Aayan & Kaira playing and building their own stories but still for them everything revolves around mumma only whether they are busy sitting in any corner of the home but mumma’s presence is all they need and make me feel loved.
Motherhood has changed me to hold an expertise in time management and becoming a multitasker where my mind works like a storm all day long, walking back home I have 10 different planning scheduled what to cook, homework was done, bills paid, grocery, school uniform ready, medicines, vaccination.
I am surprised that even with this everyday routine life is as colourful as a rainbow.
Motherhood has changed my view that being messy is part of those growing years which I will miss when my kids will not be little anymore.
A few years back, I was the person who would love to have everything perfectly in place but my kids made me realized that one day I will miss this mess and even my perfect home will be boring.
Motherhood has changed me to cherish the moments with both of them and their never-ending talks, stories about school, friends, how much they love each other, how they fight together like cat & dog, their achievements, love notes and a big tight hug full of kisses will never let me have a dull moment in my life.
I have realized that how unimportant some of the things are that I used to stress about earlier.
Motherhood has changed me to treasure my little one who gives me that strength and a reason to overcome any tough time in life, they are the best people with whom I can share and enjoy every moment.
Just hearing those magical words “Love you, Mumma to the moon and back”, “We love you so so much”, “Mumma is the best” and these words make me feel so important and a reason to enjoy every moment of motherhood.
We all together makes our family complete.
Motherhood has changed me to realize that V (WE) comes before M(ME) when raising a baby 24/7 on your own and managing everything on your own, still keeping your sanity.
Kids only need you and your love for which there is no other way around whether you are tired, sleepy, sick, stay at home or working.
I care less about what others think of me and more what my family feels about me.Motherhood is a journey which has changed me to be a stronger woman with my heart walking outside my body but my mind keep thinking about my little one all day along where my kids see me as their role model.
As a mom, I do feel weak at times but for my kids, I always want to be strong as a pillar whom they can always look up to in their life.
Motherhood has made me what I am today!
This is how I felt about Motherhood! Do you have a story to share with me? Would love to hear from you.
Hop on this Blog train with other 41 amazing moms who have come together to share their journey on “BLOG TRAIN: HOW MOTHERHOOD HAS CHANGED ME?
Next on this blog train is Shweta Ganesh Kumar, who blogs at
She is the bestselling author of ‘Coming Up On The Show’ and ‘Between The Headlines’, two novels on the Indian Broadcast News Industry.
Her last worldwide release ‘A Newlywed’s Adventures in Married Land,’ a modern take on Alice In Wonderland got rave reviews from critics.
Readers alike and has been consistently ranked high in Amazon India’s 100 bestsellers in Indian writing list. She is also a parenting columnist and a full-time hands on mother.
She started her career as a television correspondent for CNN-IBN in India and in 2011 she became an expat mother who continued to write and live and learn. You can read more about her short fiction and travel columns here.
Her parenting columns have been featured in magazines like ‘Mother’s World’, ‘Child Magazine’, Venture magazine, Mom and Me Bloggers, First Moms Club, World Of Mums and more.
She is also the Founder-Editor of The Times Of Amma, an online community dedicated to inspiring mothers one y at a time, featuring real-life stories on honest parenting and interviews with inspirational mothers and grandmothers.
In March 2017, the Times of Amma was featured on the Buzzing Bubs List of 10 Fabulous Indian Mom Bloggers to follow Shweta currently lives in Budapest with her two children and husband.
Motherhood is definitely life-changing. Crazy but beautiful. I won’t have it any other way. It is such a blessing to understand what motherhood feels like. Can’t wait to share my thoughts on my own blog ( too soon. All the best!
Pooja this was such a heartfelt post.
Pretty much agree with everything you wrote – motherhood changed you in numerous ways and sometimes you don’t even realize it!
Motherhood is a transformation phase where as moms we begin to see the world around us in a totally different perspective. I loved your time management skills and the cherishing every moment part of change. Just wondering if I would have any point left when this train reaches my station .. just kidding?. Beautifully written Pooja -kudos to ou n your Kiddos. More power to you
Hpw very beautifully you have summed up motherhood! I love the last picture so much!
You are doing so well pooja… Juggling time between being a mommy, wife, daughter, friend, etc… N just being YOU!!! Lovely writeup ? glad to be a part of this wonderful blog train!!!
Jamie Chaw
Woweeee pooja …Each & Every word left me nostalgic & amazed at the same time …You have described Motherhood in such a beautiful way ……Being a mother is really the best feeling in the whole world .
Awwww… beautiful piece written Pooja. Yo know even I have made peace with mess after kids . That’s how u can let them be and be easy on itself as well.
Incredible and beautiful note on your journey
Lovely photos there! Yes, we have to embrace each stage of motherhood for time passes only too quickly.
Yes realy feel like you that Motherhood is a journey which has changed me to be a stronger woman . good to read your article about motherhood
You have articulated it so well Pooja. And I am looking forward to the rest of this blog train and excited to be a part of it too.
Great Post Pooja! I like that Motherhood has taught you to enjoy the simpler things in life. It’s so true and oftentimes, we are so busy and caught up, we really forget to enjoy the NOW and be in the moments. Keep it up mama!
Morherhood has totally changed me…..i m more responsible n luv giving person n i luv this phase n change….
Motherhood changes -yes definitely. Nice post.
After my now long journey as a mother I feel motherhood has brought out the child in me back never to go back along with teaching me to enjoy grown up life.
Totally enjoyed reading this beautiful and heartwarming write-up! I could relate to many of the points you have mentioned in your post. Surely, I am still learning a lot during this journey of motherhood! I always had a vibe that you are a very sweet and soft mommy(person) and I can still sense the same through your write-up :). I love the way you pointed out – “one day I will miss this mess and even my perfect home will be boring.” !! Couldn’t agree more on this!!.
Such a beautiful article written straight from the heart. True, motherhood also makes us love the mess and the noise all day around.
Very well written article pooja… How well captured…. You have covered every aspect of motherhood…. A completely doting mom…. Your kids are privileged to have a mother like you.. Thnak you for organising this blog train!!!!
[…] P.S: This post is a part of a Mums and Babies blog train organised by Pooja Kawatra where 41 mothers from all over the world have come together to write together. Do read her blog post on ‘How Motherhood Had Changed Me’. […]
Pooja this is very thoughtful and heartfelt ode to motherhood and it’s learnings…..especially when you said its your heart
Walking outside ur body, proud and happy to know a fabulous mommy like you
[…] am glad to be part of this blog train of 41 moms hosted by Pooja Kawatara of MumsandBabies and Thankful for wonderful tribe of Mothers i am […]
Such a beautiful, heartfelt post!!! I’m looking forward to be a mom… I”m really scared though.. Let’s see how future works out for me… I myself, am a messy person and with my little one we are gonna be one big messy duo!!! Lolz.
Omg this is such a positive post! Indeed motherhood makes us what we are today. The love that fills you and your children is so evident through this post Pooja!
Beautiful photos of you and the kids
if there’s one thing I learnt as a mum.. it’s definitely how to appreciate the small things in life.
Ai @ Sakura Haruka
[…] Pooja from invited me to join the blog train comprising of 41 moms across the globe who will share their […]
Motherhood indeed changes everything! When a girl becomes mom, she becomes superhuman, I believe. Awesome pics here!
Your photos with the kids are so sweet. I agree that motherhood has indeed changed us and upgraded us to be a better person.
[…] This post is part of a blog train started by Pooja Kawatra of Mums & Babies and she has networked to bring together 41 moms across the globe. Meet all 41 moms here. Pooja has also shared her own views on motherhood here. […]
This is such a beautiful post Pooja. I too believe that motherhood makes us love the mess it comes with. For me it’s been the best phase of my life.
[…] This post is part of a blog train started by Pooja Kawatra of Mums & Babies and she has networked to bring together 41 moms across the globe. Meet all 41 moms here. Pooja has also shared her own views on motherhood here. […]
I am not a mom yet but it was truly amazing reading about your experience and journey. Your children look lovely
It’s going to be really interesting to see how motherhood will change me. Because right now I couldn’t even for a hot second see myself as one!
[…] This post is part of a blog train started by Pooja Kawatra of Mums & Babies and she has networked to bring together 41 moms across the globe. Meet all 41 moms here. Pooja has also shared her own views on motherhood here. […]
[…] This post is part of a blog train started by Pooja Kawatraof Mums & Babies and she has networked to bring together 41 moms across the globe. Meet all 41 moms here. Pooja has also shared her own views on motherhood here. […]
[…] This post is part of a blog train started by Pooja Kawatra of Mums & Babies and she has networked to bring together 41 moms across the globe. Meet all 41 moms here. Pooja has also shared her own views on motherhood here. […]
[…] started by Pooja Kawatra of Mums& babies. Pooja has also shared her own views on motherhood here. Pooja has networked to bring together 41 amazing moms across the globe. You can meet our all 41 […]
[…] 21st Sep- Pooja K ( […]
Loved the post. Motherhood is such a beautiful journey. It changes us completely…loved all ur puc here.motherhood came to me after a long wait so i am totally lovin it a lil more ….
The challenges of motherhood never cease to exist, but it is these challenges that also make it worthwhile.
[…] mothers from across the globe. Do read her blog post on How Motherhood has changed me – and more on the blog train […]
[…] together mothers from across the globe. Do read her blog post on How Motherhood has changed me – and more on the blog […]
[…] together mothers from across the globe. Do read her blog post on How Motherhood has changed me – and more on the blog train here. I want to thank Dhanya […]
[…] I am finally breaking my blogging sabbatical with this post of the blog train -2 hosted by Pooja Kawatra of Mums & Babies. […]
[…] This post is a part of the blog train- 2 started by Pooja Kawatra of Mums & Babies where she has brought together mothers from across the globe. Do read her blog post on How Motherhood has changed me – […]
[…] in this Blog Train!This post is part of the Blog Train started by her.Check out her blog here for more […]
[…] post is part of a Blog Train started by Pooja Kawatra of Mums & Babies blog. In two editions, Pooja has managed to get 59 mums together to share their own versions of […]
[…] mothers from across the globe. Do read her blog post on How Motherhood has changed me – and more on the blog train […]
Lovely write up Pooja! It was a pleasure reading you. So happy to be a part of this blog train. And share roller coaster ride of being a mother with so many fellow mothers. Power to you
Such a great post.. and the train is beautiful. I am really enjoying reading the stories of everyone – we all have so much in common and yet we all deal in our own individual ways!
More power to you strong Mamma!
[…] & Babies where she has brought together mothers from across the globe. Do read her blog post on How Motherhood has changed me and more on the blog train […]