Thu. Mar 27th, 2025

Genius League Right Brain Program!

Genius League Right Brain Program!

My kids usually don’t attend any enrichment classes but recently one of my friends convinced me to try for Genius League Right brain training for Kaira as it enables the child to learn subconsciously and processing large chunks of information at high speed, whereas left brain can only process small amounts of information at low speed. 80% of brain development takes place from birth till 3 years old. No wonder I was like at what speed this is working!

Genius League

We have started with Superheroes Brain Development Programme at Genius League. I always look for the small groups as kids can have more interaction with the teacher which helps the teacher in understanding the need of every kid and forming a close bond. Every class has teacher and kids ratio of 1:5. Here are the few activities which we did in the class and focus on the various development training.Genius League Right Brain

Kaira trying “Visual Observation Training” sheet though she doesn’t know everything about salamander but based on the virtual observation she can circle out all of them.

Genius League Right Brain

Genius League Right Brain

Right-Brain Training is a teaching method that trains children, from as young as newborn, to utilise their initially dominant right hemisphere of the brain. The communication and connection of the entire brain of a child(i.e. between the Right and Left side of the brain) are enhanced. If your child gets an opportunity to go for a Right-Brain training class, they will not depend mainly on the left side of their brain in the future and will use their whole brain to think.IMG20170325165102

Developing her motor skills and she did pretty fast.

Genius League

Here are the other few activities which we did in the class and everytime kids are exposed to some new activities which will bring in the excitement and kids have the curiosity to try out the new things.

Genius League Right Brain

Genius League Right Brain

Teacher showed them a project using a bottle filled with water and some glitter inside in it by giving it a good shake to form a tornado and this is how kids depict a tornado with their imagination. This is a great activity to put their imagination on the paper and stimulating their brain by thinking about what they just saw.

Genius League Right Brain

Their session is involved of indoor and some of the outdoor activities but within the centre like this where they are learning to coordinate and balance.


You can check out more details about the program on their website.

Genius League Academy


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