Sat. Mar 29th, 2025

Happy 9th Birthday Aayan!

happy 9th birthday

Time is flying so fast and don’t know whether I am able to keep a pace with you or not. This is your last year of single digit birthday and from the next year will be celebrating double digits with double celebrations … This year was a wonderful year full of new learning, new milestones, setting goals for yourself and our more loving sweetheart son!


If I will rewind to the last year, I know how much difference this one year has made in our life. We have to keep on trying and learn even if we don’t succeed in the first place. From your first overnight camp (which you refused to attend earlier year) to you cooking for the first time (with a confidence that mumma can you teach me next time when you are making roti), staying alone for few hours (I can’t imagine) to making your own independent science gadgets.

Can’ express how happy and emotional we were about your first overnight camp and  it was indeed a wonderful experience for you to learn new things which will always be helpful to you.

Overnight camp

First time when you said, “You can board the public bus all alone and come back on your own” I had a feeling my baby is not a little baby who will be holding my hand forever but definitely hold my heart… I miss you! I think all mums are so emotional though we look tough.

A special treat on Mothers day !  When I got a  yummy breakfast and so much love for the entire day.Mothers day Menu

When you learnt how to cook on the flame stove and cooked your first recipe- Maggi!PSX_20170420_170214 (1)

A day as a reporter with Discovery Channel!PSX_20161120_213829

What a wonderful time we had at Palampur and exploring the mountains early morning every day. My cutie pie was on top of the world!


Celebrating the festival of Rakhi!Rakhi

Trampoline fun when you tried all the activities around.

We were super impressed when you balanced your wave board in just one week!

Our first family run with Spongebob!


I know how much you love Papa -your role model!


Exploring forts in Rajasthan!



Spending holidays at Grandma’s house is the most fun part of the school holidays and this time we got to enjoy Delhi’s winter too after ages. Yay! There is a magic in Delhi’s winters and that sunshine.




Love from Dadi & Chachu…


Love from Nani, Maasi, Atharv and Mamu!!masi

Happy 9th Birthday dear Aayan!

happy birthday

We all love you so much!

Love you..

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10 thoughts on “Happy 9th Birthday Aayan!”
  1. Awww This is so sweet. <3 Happy birthday! He has a bright future ahead of him and he's lucky he has someone like you in his life. 🙂

  2. Wish you a very happy birthday Aayan! This is such a beautiful post! I’d say print it out and keep. And every year do it. At his 16th or 18th birthday, gift him a compilation of it all!

  3. Wishing your son a very Happy Belated Birthday! Time does fly so documenting with photos is a great option.

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