Thu. Mar 27th, 2025

[Review + Giveaway -Beyond the Tiger mom!]

Beyond the tiger mom

So what does “BEYOND THE TIGER MOM” will have for you?

I love books but don’t remember reading a single book on parenting and used to end up reading management/business books only but when I got an invitation to review this lovely book with a mum perspective on East-west parenting, I can’t refuse it.

Beyond the tger momThanks Maya for sending me this lovely book with a handwritten note!

In Beyond the Tiger Mom, Thiagarajan examines the stereotypes and goes beneath the surface to explore what really happens in Asian households. How do Asian parents think about childhood, family and education—and what can Western parents learn from them?

Each chapter ends with a “How To” section with specific tips for parents to aid their child’s educational development both inside and outside the classroom.

Beyond the tger mom4Somewhere I felt that connection with this book as I myself is going through this stage on creating a balance in thoughts for my kids who are born here in Singapore. Like every other parent who is settled in a place which is the home country for their kids and but a foreign land for them.

In Beyond the Tiger Mom, you will learn how to:

– Help your child achieve maximum academic potential

– Train your child to expand his or her attention span

– Find the right balance between work and play

– Help your child see failure as a learning experience

– Learn how to raise tech-healthy kids

Beyond the tger mom1There are many intakes in the book which we always wonder and keep comparing between East or west style of parenting. I really liked these handy tips for parents:

How to build a Language- Rich Home

  • Surround your child with good books
  • Create a good book collection for yourself and your home
  • If your Mother tongue is a language other than English, share your language with your children
  • Become a member of a library
  • Read to your children on a daily basis
  • Take books for your children with you on vacations and trips
  • Give your child time to read

I have just highlighted the tips but in her book, Maya has elaborated all the points to build a language rich homeBeyond the tigerI am so sure that this is one topic which all parents would love to read ” Why do Asian Kids excel at Math?” This section discusses the concept and how different it is from other parts of the world. Many American educators and parents believe that Asian success in mathematics can be attributed to Asian school curricula.

How to create a Supportive community for your children

  • Socialize as a family with other families
  • Make sure you know your kids’ friends
  • Spend a lot of time with your children
  • Encourage your children to greet their elders
  • Make time for family meals and family outings
  • Tell your kids stories about their family history
  • Make photo albums
  • Follow traditions and rituals

I was not surprised by the statement that “While the playgrounds in Singapore may be empty during the week, the tuition centres are always full”

You  can connect with Maya on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads. To learn more, go to

{GIVEAWAY- 1 Book}

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  2. Like Beyond the Tiger Mom facebook page
  3. Share the post on facebook and Instagram, #mumsbabiesgiveaway


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One thought on “[Review + Giveaway -Beyond the Tiger mom!]”
  1. I’ve been offered the chance to review the book too but I didn’t take it up. Seems like an interesting read based on your review. I might pick the book up when I have the time!

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