Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

Little Passports for your kids!

Little Passports

Be it our annual travelling, holidays or staycation we are always excited about our travel plans and packing our luggage. Aayan & Kaira look forward to travelling especially packing and exploring the new places. As a parent, it gives us a great opportunity to help them learn about different culture and what is new about those places. Little Passports aims at something similar for your little ones.

Little Passports is specially designed for different age groups and their learning. You will find the handpicked activities which are not only fun but it engages the kids aged 3-12 years.

There are 3 different adventure plans to choose –

  • Early Explorers ( age 3-5)
  • World Edition (age 6-10)
  • USA Edition (age 7-12 years)


Early Explorers ( age 3-5 years) in an orange little suitcase for your preschoolers to learn a new world theme every month. In your first month traveller kit, you will receive

  • A fun orange suitcase
  • Wall-sized World Map
  • 20-page activity booklet
  • Luggage Tag
  • Stickers and photo


The map you receive will broadly show the continents and not the countries in it which depend on an individual preference as some parents would like to have all the countries instead of just continents. It was a good learning tool for Kaira as she is just 3 years old though she can’t read all the big words but yes definitely matching the words, pictures and landmarks. The booklet is pretty handy to browse through the pages to create an interest in the activity.


For the subsequent subscription, we have received the landmarks and I really liked the quality of these landmarks that kids can actually relate to them whenever they appear somewhere on the television or in the books.


With the landmarks, you will also receive the information about the particular landmark so that you can read to your kids.



You can play a game here with this flashlight, ask your kid to match the landmark and find that landmark using this flashlight.Little passport flaslight

In the next subscription, we have received the theme “Music”


We were pretty excited thinking about what to expect in Music subscription as rest other packs we have so far received was about different countries. When our package arrived with an activity book, flashlight adventures, world sing-along CD, postcard, a luggage tag, stickers, music cards.


Kaira loved playing with the flashlight adventures and matching the instruments with the stickers and she actually wants to paste the sticker on top of it.


It was quite interesting to see how kids love and recognise the instruments. Her focus was on the stickers only and where she can match them. Music cards were only three as compared to 4 stickers and the little girl asked me, “Why only 3 cards are there to match with 4 stickers?”


World Edition

Another sweet little suitcase in blue for my not so big boy is the World Edition for age group ( 6- 10 years). You will receive

  • A blue suitcase
  • Your very own passport
  • Wall-sized world map
  • A welcome letter from new pen pals Sam & Sofia
  • Stickers, photo and activity sheet
  • Plus access to online games in the Boarding Zone


The world map is wall -sized and more detailed for big kids and  you will get the activity sheets for them. For the first month , we got the country “Brazil” and facts related to it.


A real amethyst from Brazil and it is like a treasure for my son who has kept it so safely.


Kids were excited to receive “Japan” this month and we got an origami pack, a recipe for making bento style sushi, stickers, the travel tag, activity sheet and information on Japan. Aayan tried making different things from origami sheet.


After exploring all the landmarks, music, countries and learning more about the facts. It is such an interesting and educational to find them on the world map.  This is how both of them love to spend their holiday time with their world maps.


This is one of the best Christmas gifts they have received which is so useful for them and will be there in their learning journey.

Little Passports


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