Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

Sample Store’s Giftopia event!

Giftopia is a wonderful movement started by the sample store to connect people not just through social media but in a traditional way writing notes, letters and postcards. I myself love writings notes and letters and this was a perfect opportunity to connect wit your loved one. Giftopia Movement

Giftopia-For your loved ones!

Sample store’s Giftopia was held recently on 15th & 16th Oct’ 2016 at Raffles city Atrium. It was open to the public after 1pm on both the days to enjoy the new beauty products, goodie bags with samples, lucky draw.


I was lucky enough to win the biggest prize in “Spin the Wheel” which was just at the entrance. I came across many new brands and some were there especially for the Giftopia event.

Look what all we got to explore at the event-

Wild HarvestCare


Cathy Doll




Que Origin


Flipping Notes 

Got some really nice handmade stuff for any occasion.


Beauty keeper from Taiwan was one counter which looked very appealing because of the big pink colour boxes stacked there and trust me they are gorgeous and loaded with everything you need for skincare.


Do you love tattoos but afraid of trying them? Super tattoo man did the fantastic job with the designs and there was a big queue.samplestore-giftopia9

These beautiful pots and tea sets are different than the usual tea sets and can add more beauty to your collection.


From all the goodies stuff, spin the wheel, samples we can’t forgot the yummy food from Brunches Cafe. These cupcakes were melt in the mouth.

Mums&Babies Sample Store Giftopia

Charcoal Burgers, Apple crumble, Prawn pasta, Salad to enjoy the event.samplestore-giftopia

Another good news was that I won Sample store’s Giftopia Instagram contest as well. I felt as if Christmas came too early for me to fully load myself with these goodies at the event.

Me,Si Hui and Deenise enjoying at the event and  helping me with the Giftopia bags and Big pink Boxes from Beauty Keeper that day.


Thank You Sample store for the invitation and generous products!


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21 thoughts on “Sample Store’s Giftopia event!”
  1. That’s a lot of awesome stuff! I love events like this, they give you an idea of what to give friends and family during the holidays! The cupcakes are adorable!

  2. OMG! Those cahrcoal burgers made me salivate!!! Hahaha! I’m a foodie these days more than a shopper. But wow, so many shopping finds at giftopia!!! Will try them out this holiday season. 🙂

  3. Those charcoal burgers are pretty big here in my country as well – they’re more popular known as craft burgers. Hey, this event looked really fun. Looking at your photos, there were so many participants and a lot of nice finds. And congratulations on the win 🙂

  4. Wow, I love going to an event like this. I love getting samples so I can tell which products are suitable for us and as gifts too for the coming holidays.

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