Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

Giftopia-For your loved ones!

What is Giftopia – Any guesses?  Watch out this short video featuring me and more about Giftopia! I have a surprise for all the readers.

Remember, when was the last time you have sent a letter, postcard or a birthday card to your family and friends.  In this new world of technology, we all rely on the social media and somewhat losing that personal touch. I still love to check my snail mail everywhere and anything in the box with my name brings the joy.

Giftopia is a movement to reconnect with all your loved one with whom you have lost touch and to spread the love everywhere. 


One new set of postcards will be released on every 5 days. There’s a hidden word within each of the 24 postcard designs which will form a secret message of 24 words . Here is the quick look at the cards.

Giftopia cards 1From the  “Unconditional love” to “being Grateful”!

Giftopia cardsWould you like to join the Giftopia movement?


These postcards are all prepaid (Save the hassle of getting stamps! All postage paid). All you have to do is write your message, indicate your friend’s mailing address and drop them in any posting box!)

You can buy your cards here on the Sample Store website.


I have a surprise for all my readers if you wish to get a card from me –  Share this blog post on your timeline, write down the message below in the comments and PM me your address. Don’t forget to hashtag us #giftopia , #samplestore and #Mums_Babies.


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13 thoughts on “Giftopia-For your loved ones!”
  1. oh, i know about this event. but i didn’t join in because i didn’t know who to send to! heh, but i do love sending my close friends pretty postcards when i travel to another country. it’s always a delight to know that you’re always on your friends’ minds when they’re out and about, yeah?

  2. There’s nothing like sending a postcard or a letter via snail mail, it’s heartfelt and very thoughtful! The amount of effort writing that letter takes the cake! This is such an awesome thing to do.

  3. You are a natural on camera, Pooja. Yes, it’s so nice to receive a hand-written postcard. The only ones I get these days are from my dentist – reminding me of my next teeth cleaning appointment!

    1. Thanks Michelle! My first time on camera and I was nervous:) Send me your address and you will receive one from me.

  4. Wow! that is such a great concept. I used to love writing and receiving postcards and would surely like to revive that habit 🙂 There is something truly pleasurable about receiving something handwritten.

  5. What an interesting idea to have everyone reconnect again! The effort of writing, sending a post card, and receiving it, will make a lovely difference in our interaction and communication 🙂

  6. […] Giftopia is a wonderful movement started by the sample store to connect people not just through social media but in a traditional way writing notes, letters and postcards. I myself love writings notes and letters and this was a perfect opportunity to connect wit your loved one. Giftopia Movement […]

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