Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

JJ Science adventure: Heat & Light ( Review + giveaway)

JJ Science adventure
If someone will ask Aayan about his interest, it is going to be all about galaxy, planets, mountains, volcano everything related to astronomy, science and geography. Last year his dad bought him a telescope as well so that both of them can know more about the planets and star gazing. It is probably the right age when they have an inquisitive mind with endless questions. He has started reading all the books from horrible science to young scientist. 
When Aurelia from Harvest Edutainment told me about her new book – Heat & Light under the series “JJ’s Science Adventure” it sounds quite interesting to me but then she did mention that this book is usually taught at Primary 3/4 level in the schools. I still thought to show this book to Aayan as he finds science adventures really fascinating.
JJ’s Science Adventure is a series of educational comic books designed to help readers master key learning objectives stated in the Singapore Ministry of Education’s Primary School Science syllabus.
There are other books in this series but we got our hands on Heat & light.
This book is very colourful making it so lively to read just like a comic book rather than a textbook which keep its readers glued to the book and same happened when Aayan started reading this series though the book has got 85+ pages but not for a single moment he has lost his interest and straight in an hour he was done with this book.
After receiving their birthday presents from their grandfather, Joyce and Jonathon find themselves in possession of two bags which transform into a talking robot and a teleportation portal. With a set of keys from Robo, the kids open the portal into sub-dimensional worlds created by the ‘World Maker’, an incredible invention by their grandfather to help them learn science.
In this adventure, the twins journey into the World of Heat and Light where they solve challenging puzzle traps laid by their grandfather. Will they survive the constant sabotage by a minion sent by Mr Sinister and win the prize, a piece of puzzle key which unlocks yet another secret?
I took some photos from the book to show how beautifully different examples are illustrated in form of comic style and I find it is easier for kids to remember this way.
Here is an example of water in various forms- gaseous, liquid and solid state.
Different sources of light with an examples so that kids can relate to them.
Lovely illustration of earthquake – The coal mine, The Sun, The Sundial house, The safe house! What is the story behind it, do you know? Well! You can find about it in the book.
 In this book, you will find an additional information in the DID YOU KNOW and CHALLENGE YOURSELF sections. In the DID YOU KNOW section, readers will learn about light giving animals and insects, and the science behind Lasers. In the CHALLENGE YOURSELF section, readers are tested on the scientific concepts of Heat and Light.
Aayan loved this little hands-on project provided along with the book for them to understand the concept they have read.
 How to change the size of a shadow?

How the size of a shadow can change with different light source


Aayan is quite excited to have this edition to his little library and surely going to add more.
Christmas is the season of sharing and giving, let’s continues the tradition and we are giving 2 books to our lucky readers. Don’t wait as we are as much excited as you to have this book in your library too!

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41 thoughts on “JJ Science adventure: Heat & Light ( Review + giveaway)”
  1. Wow.. nice to see that they even provide some fun activities for the children to play. Maybe I'll get for my niece since my own children has since progressed on to learning how to start fire using flints and stones. Need to preparethem all for zombie Apocalypse ..

  2. Haha, I am jealous of kids nowadays. They can have so much fun learning. During my time, all I have to read is a book full of white papers and black text :p

    Nice giveaway btw. I've shared this with some of my friends as well.

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