I haven’t started any classes for Kaira yet, so thought of exploring few options for her to attend once in a week before she will start her School next year. When I was invited by My Gym City Square to attend the trial classes I was more than happy to take Kaira for the session and let her have some experience with other kids of her age. Many of my friend’s toddlers attended it and heard a good review about My Gym.
My Gym was created in the United States in the year 1983 by 3 people, utilizing their experience in the field of sports, dance, early childhood development, kinesiology and gymnastics, they developed a program and facility where children actively participate in variety of structured, weekly physical education classes to gain social skills and self-esteem.
My Gym Singapore was established in 2004 and it is developed to help children age 4 months thru 10 years of age develop physically, cognitively and emotionally.
Kaira’s – first day at My Gym
She was busy looking around at the new place as this was the first time she attended any class. Don’t know whether you all will agree but as parents have a lot of expectations from our kids to perform their best when with others. Remember one thing all kids are different and so does their capabilities. With my two kids, they both have their own strengths or positive traits and they don’t behave or perform in a way they do in the comfort of their home.
What we can expect from kids at the first day of any class:-
– Don’t like the place
– Clinging on to you forever
– Crying
I was prepared for all these before coming to the class and I am glad even though she was a bit clingy but she was more interested in the play.
Since it was her first day and first class, the teachers were helping kids to be just at their own comfort and not really forcing them to sit and listen .
Kaira has attended the Gymster class for toddlers from 19 months to 3 years old. Each class is for an hour and the class schedule is handed over to parents to select the weekday or weekend class depending on the centre and availability.
The Class starts with circle time and everyone sat around the red circle . She sat with her dad to do some activities and the first one was introduction round and a teacher asked every kid their name and rest of the class will greet them.
It goes like “Hello Kaira ! Welcome to My Gym”
I have captured the various activities performed over the 3 weeks or 3 classes and some of them might be same but then based on my experience how Kaira performed and improved over the lessons.
Learn to balance herself on one leg holding a flag .She did it pretty well as a first timer!
Kaira enjoyed a headstand and a turn here which she did a couple of times and was quite excited to do this activity.
Some free playtime to play along with other friends in the class which lasted for 5-10 minutes. After playing they learnt to put back all the toys in the toy box.
Her second trial class and she was in love with her My Gym T-shirt and happily enjoying the class.

According to her, this is a rolling wheel and she actually wants to rotate it as well.
Here they had to walk on a plank and learnt balancing skills, at first she was slow while walking.

She went again to try it on her own and enjoyed it too. Probably she tried again to built her confidence and good thing that teachers really helped them.

Kaira loved this ball pool and every time she got the chance she would jump inside to play on her own. I was quite happy because initially, she holds herself back.

This ball pool was actually quite a fun with a slide and Kaira was pretty confident to do on her own.

Another activity where they learnt to move on a flying fox and a trapeze she was little afraid of it and didn’t like it much though she loves to climb on it but not like the idea to swing.

I have noticed that kaira actually enjoys trying the activities on her own and exploring the ways.

Another activity to balance a ball on with your one leg and she did pretty well balancing activity.

All of them enjoyed this free playtime to create their own stuff but it is quite less I feel but then the class is for an hour only.

Kids listening to the next activity as instructed by the teachers and all of them very patiently sitting.You may notice that all of them are sitting close to their teacher and not parents so they are coming out of their comfort zone as well.

Look we have beauties admiring themselves and dancing to their own tunes.

In this class, they had to play Hula hoop and all the rings were on each other and their teacher.
She really loved walking on this magic carpet without any support and it was more like crossing a bridge! Yippee:)
Some more stunts on her own to strengthen her muscles and she has got the strong grip to hold easily.
Did you notice that she was the one who was least interested sitting on the swing and now she at least got some confidence to sit here?
Overall I find the class was quite good for little ones learning skills and development-
-Greet each other
– Follow a routine
– Performing set of activities every week to excel in it
– Playing with different toys and helping them to learn to share
– Exploring their favourite activity during free playtime
– Building their muscle strengths
– Coordination and balancing
– Helps to build social skills , self-esteem and confidence
– Listening and following instructions
You can refer to the below links to know more about the classes and if you wish to celebrate a birthday @ My Gym.
Gym Classes & Programs
Playgroup & Nursery Programs
Birthday Party @ My Gym
Thank You to my teachers for helping me learn and enjoy at My Gym !
What a lovely place for children to play. They get to learn coordination and reflexes too. Children have too much energy. LOL
It is indeed a lovely place for kids.
Wow thats certainly a great place for your child to enjoy before school starts 😀
Xoxo, FiSh @ http://www.ohfishiee.com
Nice to know there's more gyms now available for children to visit and build up their strength and confidence.
Such a great place for kids that having delay in their development growth. Definitely they will learn a lot of useful skill and stuff there 😉
so cute "mygym", it is easy for the kids can say this is "my gym", so they can learn how to do exercise. so cutee..it is good for the kids accompanied by the staffs always, keep them in the safety! 🙂
A great place for those kids~~~
They enioy as much as they can at there~~~
Btw, those kids are so cute~~~
Your daughter really enjoyed the gym session. Will send my boy there to try it out. I'm sure he'll love it too.
wow such a fun place to learn and play. I bet kids love this place very much. Your daughter so cute.
Interesting! Now they have kiddie gym now 😀 SO CUTEE!!
Kids gym are very famous in other countries!! Glad Malaysia now step up to the game!
It looks so fun for the kids and adults too..teaches them about mobility and communications with others. Good effort!
This place look like a playground for me and I sure I will very enjoy play around here, hahahhaa
such a great place for kids to enjoy. i think my daughter would love it
I know that kids can be so full of energy, a great way to tire them out by making them exercise. hehe. I know i would get tired with all that energy out to have fun
good one. Starting them young :D.. just don't overpush the kid, let them have fun and pick up the healthy lifestyle on their own pace
Sometimes, having fun while doing physical activities can make you forget the pain in the body and you tire out less from doing it. It's a great start when you are still young.
Looks like she is having fun. All the best!
wow what a great place to let child have a fun time before school start! She looks super enjoying!
They really did a good job at maximizing the physical activities that a child can do while they're inside. I love that they keep the kids active.
Looks like your kids is having alots of fun here! Can play and learning kids gym, is good for kids let them explore and stay healthy!
Cool~ I believe my nieces will enjoy their days over there. A good platform to build their confidence and sharing stuffs with others. 🙂
ha…ha..kids also having a gym centre nowadays! 🙂 Your kids so adorable and enjoy themselves very much with MyGym 🙂 Cheers, https://siennylovesdrawing.wordpress.com/
The little ones look enjoying so much of themselves! Great place for children who dislike exercise! ;p
The photos on the beam, the bar and the headstand look so precious. She will look back on them with delight in the future.
Looks like a good place for kids! Disguising learning as playtime is more effective
From the photos, she's having so much fun there, will share your post with my friends who have kids 🙂
Great place for kids to play. I like how it has a lot of gross motor activities.
Feeling a bit wistful. I did not have access to places like this when my son was younger. We could have so much fun!
My kids had been to a lot of playgrounds but not these type of gyms, i definitely wish they could be active and flexible like gymnasts by joining one now.
My Gym kind of resembles Gymboree here in Manila, they offer the same kinds of activities for kids. Just a different setup of course but the concept is the same. It's a great place for kids to learn and burn off excess energy.
It's great to try out Gym… Is My Gym available in KL as well?
It looks like a really fun place for kids. It's nice to keep them active by enjoying facilities like My Gym. They also get to socialize here.
Encouraging kids to be as active as her age is very ideal. The activities in this gym is far better than just taking her to other kiddie place where she would most likely be just playing around. These physical activities or exercises would really help not only her health but also her confidence in the future. 🙂
This is a place for them to discover while growing up and some other places too. Your kid's lucky because of the fact that some Filipino children couldn't afford to explore things beyond their family financial capacity.
My kids would definitely enjoy playing at My Gym. This place reminds me of a kid's place here in our country called Gymboree 🙂
What a place! It looks like your child has a lot of fun there! And it sounds like a good gym to go if you want to keep in shape!
I've heard of my gym too, and I know many kids go there to "work out" I hope the rates are "friendly" too! If not, it'll be taxing on the parents
Gym for babies are also popular her3 in Manila. But never get to try it with my daughter when she was a toddler. I find it a waste of money if I can teach here walking and balancing. But now shes turning 5 I have an alloted allowance for paying her play place atleast 1to2 times a month lol
This is a better Expectation V Reality thing. I am glad the kid enjoyed it! You're an awesome parent! 😀
Looks like a great place for the kids to spend time around with. How much are their rates?
Oh so fun! This is a great activity for kids! I wish this existed when I was still a child hehe.
Learning while playing, that's a great idea , This way, kids would not get bored during the class.
I wish they had these when I was a kid. it could be a great solution to my fear of heights, with the rock climbing, trapeze and other things 🙂
Kids need to have a place to have fun and exercise in! I'm so glad the mall has a place like this! 😀
There's so many options for children nowadays. I wish there was more when my kids were younger. Looks like a fun place to be active and safe
There's so many options for children nowadays. I wish there was more when my kids were younger. Looks like a fun place to be active and safe
Look like an interesting place for the younger children to exercise!
Looks so fun! So glad that City Square mall has this!
I love My Gym! We used to go to the Rochester Mall location a few years back.
wow it looks so spacious and fun! Would be great for kids to go there to learn new skills and make friends too 🙂
Ai @ Sakura Haruka
Kaira looks like she's really having fun!
Wow she looks so happy at the gym! Love it when the little ones enjoy learning!
~ Audrey @ SAys! Happy Mums
Wow it looks like a great place for me to bring the kids to!! I like how they mix play and exercise together!