Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

#Momazing- Cherishing motherhood!

Becoming a mom for the first time is a feeling which no one can express in words that love, anxiety, responsibility, joy all together and at the same time sailing on a boat with a thought whether I do a justice to all roles.
All of us when transition from a role of a daughter to a wife to a mom believe to fit into every role perfectly despite knowing that it is tough on our part but we can surely give our best.
Every single moment of my motherhood journey reminds me what my parents used to tell everyday ” You will understand this when you will become a parent one day !” Yes, I do ! It is surely not easy to be in the same shoes as your parents.
I feel as a mom every moment is #momazing when you hold your baby for the first time, his first smile,first hug, first kiss, first tooth, first crawl which we cherish for lifelong.

It was our wedding anniversary and Aayan was around 8 months. He surprised us that day when first time he said”Ma ma !”. This very moment was #momazing hearing those magical words with tears in my eyes.

We were blessed once again when our little princess Kaira arrived in our life. Having a daughter is something which every mother dreamt of always ! She was a preterm baby so couldn’t hold for almost a month and right after 28 days when first time when we held her in our arms was the moment which truly was #momazing. 

 Growing together with your kids is the best part of motherhood !

At the same time meeting all the milestones and staying healthy is the most important phase for any parent. Since we didn’t introduce any supplements but my friends always advise me to start with cod liver oil from Scott’s after they turn 1 year old.
My son was attending childcare so he often used to catch a cold from kids in the centre. So I went up to read more about the benefits of cod liver oil on internet. ” Scott’s Emulsion contain cod liver oil, a rich natural source of vitamin A & D, Omega-3(DHA & EPA) and calcium. It can help maintain and support physical health and support brain too.”


He was around 2 years so thought it was the best time to introduce the cod liver oil and vitamin c gummies but he find the original emulsion taste too strong for him. Initially I waited for a few days and then introduced the orange flavour which he liked a lot and even ask for more serving. Our little girl followed the same steps of his brother enjoying the orange flavour.
  My experience with it is brilliant as I saw
My experience with it is brilliant as I saw lot of improvement in their immunity and thanks to Scott’s for this #momazing moment.

For more
information on Scott’s product  you can refer to their website or their facebook page.

**It’s a Sponsored post with my personal experience and thoughts.



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43 thoughts on “#Momazing- Cherishing motherhood!”
  1. Cod liver oil in orange flavor, did I read that correctly? It was not easy to take cod liver oil even for adults because of its taste. I just could not imagine hiding that strong taste with orange flavor.

  2. i can't really relate to motherhood, plus i'm really not a fan of children. but it's heartwarming to read the amount of love your have for your children.

  3. Being a mother is the most fulfilling career on earth, you get paid with love. A lot of responsibilities when it comes to our kids are on our shoulders, health is very important. I watch what my kids eat, only what I cook for them, read product labels and do a lot of research. My kids haven't been sick for years, my younger once have never been sick since birth. The healthy lifestyle definitely paid off. 🙂

  4. Your kids are beautiful! I can't completely relate to motherhood yet, sometimes I even doubt what ability I would have as a mother in the future. I've been told it comes as a natural instinct when it happens. It's a scary thought!

  5. Your kids are definitely adorable and yes, I can understand and relate how you can feel momazing… Mine is all grown up… Youngest being 11 now… And have had my share of both the hair tearing stress experience and those momazing moments we feel so proud about… Thanks Scott for help keeping our kiddies healthier…

  6. Your kids are definitely adorable and yes, I can understand and relate how you can feel momazing… Mine is all grown up… Youngest being 11 now… And have had my share of both the hair tearing stress experience and those momazing moments we feel so proud about… Thanks Scott for help keeping our kiddies healthier…

  7. Both of your kids are so cute and adorable! What's more important is they grow healthy and eating healthy too! Scott is my favorite when I am kids too, miss the taste though >.< haha

  8. I simply adore seeing pictures of Aayan, he has such a beautiful smile Pooja 🙂 Both are simply adorable and truly such a blessing 🙂 Enjoy your motherhood dear, here is to more joyous and memorable events with them evermore.

  9. I was once told by my mom that the best rewards a mother can get from her daughter or son are warm hugs and kisses. They're enough to forget the stress of motherhood. From the eyes and smiles of your children, it shows how well they were brought up.

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  11. Just today, a friend urged me to try cod-liver oil! Looks like I really should give it a try. Can’t agree more about the growing with your kids part, I always tell people that I’m as old as Joy is =)

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