Thu. Mar 20th, 2025

Serious about preschool launch party !

Serious about preschool
Serious About Preschool is a one-stop portal for parents to find enrichment courses, holiday programs and group activities for their pre-schoolers age 0-6 years old !

Last week Serious about preschool had their launch party and thanks to Corrine for inviting us for a day full of fun, craft and unlimited play.

We had sessions from Julia Gabriel to Heguru to Da little arts and I must say that it was very informative for parents who had been thinking to enroll their kids to these enrichment centres.

My girl who has just turned 2 and i am still exploring the different options where i can find the groups which are of her interest rather than me forcing her to join.

Julia Gabriel Session 
All the kids have enjoyed the session full of song, dance and story time. I liked the way they narrated ‘The three Billy goat gruffs” and kids felt as it was a real goat walking on the bridge.

At the end of session all the kids got the Billy goat craft to do at home too.

Soon after our  story time and dance we moved on to next fun stop !!!

Da Little school 
Kids got  their blank frames to paint and decorate it in colour of their choice.

First round was for bigger kids so Aayan started painting his frame in green.


My little princess exploring the colours so half of it on hand and rest half goes on the frame.

Kaira’s motor skills are quite good the way she hold the stick with glue  to pick up the sequin. Craft is indeed a good way to develop their motor skills.

Now comes the waiting time for both of them – masterpieces are drying for a while ! So we got ready for our next session with Heguru. I have heard a lot about them so really want to attend the session and understand it. Somehow I felt that  it was pretty fast and kids were not settled to let us see and understand the concept at all. Little bit I could make out was the flash cards used to train your right brain.

I might have to read more about it to get a proper understanding of this concept.

Some class activities to be done during the session.
 After the brainstorming session, kids head straight to playarea for unlimited fun.
This time i bring them alone here so can imagine that I can’t keep eye on both and forget about clicking them together while playing. As both will be in a different directions.

Aayan was busy with his lego which he was building in between jumping here and there.

A little beautiful home !

Girls will be girls busy getting her tattoo done- A cat !

Beautiful craft with their photos which they were carrying everywhere!


Overall a great day and very well organised for kids to learn, enjoy and play !



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29 thoughts on “Serious about preschool launch party !”
  1. Awww….I want to put my youngest in a preschool this school year because he seems to enjoy being around other kids. This looks like a lot of fun and a lot of fun activities for kids. I'll look up the Heguru concept myself, to know what it is.

  2. How I wish that we also have a lot of kiddie events here in our country, I want to bring my kids with me so they can experience different activities and bond with other kids as well. Looks like your two kids enjoyed themselves 🙂

  3. What a wonderful event… having all the big names like Julia Gabriel and Heguru in their programmes! I'm glad your son and daughter had fun and experienced the different learning styles by the various enrichment schools on board 😉

  4. What a great party and perfect way to introduce their preschool program to the parents. My son is 3 and I have yet to sign him up to pre-school. A few of my friends are home schooling which we can participate in and I try to bring him to playdates instead.

  5. What a great launch party, all the kids including your adorable ones definitely had a great time! What's not to like when they have lego right? Haha.

  6. An awesome event to let parents understand the entire pre-school event. Thanks for sharing this party. School in Malaysia should have something similar too.

  7. Your children are really be good active. You can send them again when the school holiday come soon… 😀 This event is very special to encourage the kids learn the brain thinking, creativity art, and etc..

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