Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

“Mummy’s Me-Time” in a life of a Mummy!

Taking the plunge into the journey of motherhood is the most rewarding but it comes with a most demanding role. In between the role of a mother and a wife sometimes I ask myself, ” Where is ME?” It might sound familiar to all moms on this planet and the rest of the world will be a bit confused that what is she talking about? How a person can’t have an ME-time in a whole day.

Yes, exactly the Whole day =24 hours= 1,440 minutes and as a mom, i can’t get to squeeze some time out of 1,440 minutes !

When I was blessed with my son, Aayan – 7 years back; I was into my own dream world as everything revolves around him and time flies just like that from days to months to years. Growing with him are the best moments of my life. I have learnt a lot during this journey and as a first-time mom.

Probably when I joined back my office that guilt was always there leaving him behind and that thought of Me-time never came into my mind. As every day was rushing from office to childcare to home and afterwards spending time with him.

2 years back when my daughter Kaira was born and I choose to become a Stay-at-home-Mum(SAHM) with a total breastfeeding baby, I had a ZERO Me-time again but I was very happy to continue my breastfeeding for so long though that means sleepless nights and only going out to shopping malls with nursing rooms.

Managing two kids at home and not losing my temper with keeping my sanity itself was a big task. As my son started with his primary and my daughter started with her solids, I got only a few minutes in a day to call my own.


Only ME-time is the early morning after sending my son to his school and before my girl woke up or in the night when they are off to sleep. Being a VIRGO it is almost difficult to close my eyes to the home full of toys in every possible corner like an aftermath of a tornado and food on the table, carpet or that matter anything not in its own place which my hubby keep on reminding not to stress yourself with everything.

What exactly I do in my “ME-time” ? Is it like squeezing everything in that time or finding some peace and close my eyes. Some of the top favourite thoughts would definitely be – Shopping, manicure-pedicure and so on !! Seriously I am not good in any of these and I hardly engage myself into it.

Well !! Some of my favourites activities are …..

1. Blogging 
I have started blogging sometime back when I felt like writing about my kids growing years, parenting stories, travel experiences, cooking and slowly fall in love with it. I felt that even if it is the little bit to share my thoughts I was happy to achieve something every day. Isn’t it that what Me-time is all about – feeling good !!

2. Cooking/Baking :
Trying something new and to cook for my family is always what I love to do and I got the chance to do it more when Aayan wants to bake with me, so what else can be a beautiful way to spend my time. Cooking is solely me but baking is many times with my kids.

3. Photography :
Though I am still an amateur but I love to clicks photos be it on my phone or on my camera. Only trying can take us to the perfection, so hoping for the best in coming years.

4. Scrapbooking / Crafts:
I started making a scrapbook during my 1st pregnancy and captured every detail on a monthly basis but with 2 kids now it has taken a backseat but it is one of the beautiful “me” time to relive my memories. Crafts with my kids is another wonderful way to enjoy and most of the time D-I-Y is what I totally appreciate. Creating something out of what you have is the best to learn and making a masterpiece.

5. Time spent with my hubby :
This is the best “ME’time” of all which I am enjoying from more than a decade now. From College friends to a couple to parents now, we have seen a lot more in our life than the years we have been together. So you might guess from how long we are married 🙂 ! I feel the best part of a married life is that you have a friend, a companion, a lover , a spouse who is always there to hold your hands, a shoulder to just relax and close your eyes, an ear to hear you and no matter how your life is !!

There are a lot of small things which I might not have mentioned here but they are definitely part of my life and making it so beautiful and lovely it is today ! Probably you all will be having your own way of “Me-time” and I will love to hear it. Do share it in the comments below.

This post is the part of the Blog Train hosted by Danessa from Prayerfull Mum ! It came to me at the right[Me-time} Birthday month !

Next in the blog train is Ashlyn Thia who shares her walk of faith, love and joy as a full time working mummy to 1. Many years back, she prayed for a child but God didn’t send her one immediately. Instead, he waited and blessed her with a daughter at the perfect timing. He continued to be her center of life, guide and lead her new journey. She writes about her life, faith, parenting, child, travel and crafting”adventures”- yes, many ups & downs !Check out her blog tomorrow to see how she likes to spend her me-time !!

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51 thoughts on ““Mummy’s Me-Time” in a life of a Mummy!”
  1. This resonates so much with me! I think it is so important to have me time. Our society seems to frown upon mothers getting me time but I feel to be the best mum we ax be, we have to look after ourselves!! So important !!

  2. Me time is essential to a mothers sanity. I usually get my me time after the kids go to bed. I have a glass of wine and get cozy with a book or a favorite TV show. Its very important to cut out some time for yourself. Otherwise you will drive yourself crazy.

  3. It's good to know that you still have that much-needed me-time … I think we all need to have it once in a while, moms or not. It's all for our sanity, lol.

  4. One of my best girlfriend has just delivered a healthy baby girl and as a new mom she need to read some things like this for her to get ideas on how to be a mom and wife and still having a me-time for herself.

  5. For me, it's Bible study time, Long conversations with hubby, research (health, alternative news, current events), Blogging, Cooking with hubby, Photography and Crafting. We're pretty much on the same boat. 🙂

  6. It's admiring to know how you manage to have time for both your kids and yourself. Every mom should really spare some time for themselves to relax and enjoy as well. Your list can serve as tips or suggestions for other moms out there looking for what to do during free time.

  7. Yes, as parents we really need "me" time to keep our sanity. For us, Blogging is really our main "me" time. Your husband is so lucky that time with him you also consider as your "me" time..

  8. It's difficulty to squeeze in me time for mom's but you deserve it and should enjoy it too. These would be nice activities for mommy me time.

  9. I agree with you, that spending time with our husbands should be the best "me-time" to invest in. I'm grateful that you were able to join in the blog train. Thank you for your support!

  10. Great that you have time for your hobbies despite looking after your kids 🙂 Reminds me to leave some me-time and not to work so hard.. 😉

  11. Hope you will find more ME time in between caring for the family. I read that mothers have to put their own priorities first or they can't be their best for their family.

  12. it's not easy to find me time especially for stay at home moms and when you have more than one kid. it can be rather frustrating at times. my only me time is when i am at work.

  13. My kids sleep relatively early but I'm too tired by the end of the day to have any "me time" when they sleep. I would be off to sleep too! I yearn for "me" time just like you. For me, as I am a FTWM, I would sometimes take leave to spend the day by myself while the kids are at childcare. That is also the time when I blog. 🙂

    Vivien @ Beautiful Chaos

  14. I had wanted to hop onto this blog train but I thought for days and weeks; and I still cannot pinpoint what Me time I got to enjoy ever since I had kids. I really need to think about this thoroughly. Again.

  15. I love the Halloween platter you created! I agree spending time with hubby is a fav ME time…a short period of time away from the kids, just connecting and catching up with our partner…that itself is a luxury!

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