Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Pasta in tomato sauce and chicken stock| Baby Recipe

Pasta, tomato sauce, chicken stock all cooked together as a one pot healthy and hearty meal for your little one. I have used those stars and alphabets pasta here which are small and very easy to chew for little one.

You can cook Pasta in vegetable or chicken stock to make it healthy and flavourful too. At the same time making it a hearty meal for my little one. So prepared the tomato sauce for the base and then cooked in chicken stock ( which has got chicken and lots of veggies).


Tomato Sauce
Onions- 1 small finely chopped
Garlic- 1 tbsp
Tomato- 1 finely chopped
Pasta – handfulChicken/ Vegetable stock/cubes– 1/2 cup(4 cubes)
Olive oil or Butter -2 tsp
Grated cheese
Mixed herb


Boil pasta and strain it.

In a pan take butter saute garlic for a minute, add onions and stir until translucent.

Now add tomato and let it cook for 5 minutes.

Cool it and blend to make a sauce consistency.

Take butter in a pan add this above tomato sauce, chicken stock and pasta. Cook them for 5-10 minutes.

Add salt and some cheese to it.

You can adjust the consistency of the stock accordingly as a soupy or more thicker base.

Garnish with grated cheese and mixed herbs.

I have served stir fry asparagus with it.


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