Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

Primary Schooling – A new milestone!

primary school
It’s the beginning of another milestone!

Well, we have just completed 2 months of our primary schooling. Let’s cherish the journey so far!

Kids grow really fast! All the while when Aayan was in K1, K2 we used to keep preparing him that Primary will not be an easy affair , you will be going to a big school, long school hours, homework and endless list..

Now when he has started with his primary school all of a sudden I felt as if he has grown up and more independent in everything which definitely I should feel proud of.. but somewhere I felt (mumma’s emotions) where is my little baby who used to hold my hand and walk to the school. Even If i am late by 5 minutes he used to cry and say,”why you were late, Mumma?” All my friends have gone back home!

If we tell him to handover anything to his teacher or to buy any stuff he will set back saying, ” No ! I can’t do it.”

I was thinking how the new world will be through his eyes.

First day of his primary school he was all set ready and excited to attend the school. Hurray ! New school, new friends, new teachers and the totally new environment. Will I be lost in the big school !! Even though during his kindergarten days, school has prepared them for the next level but i believe like everyone kids do have the new place anxiety.

                 First day at the new school!I have a lot to write about starting from his infant care to child care to kindergarten days… probably I do a flashback post for him.

I “really really” have to praise and appreciate my hubby for always taking out the time for family. I don’t remember a single day when he has not make up for Aayan’s first day in any of his school, his school performances, his PTM, his graduation day and for that matter even his vaccinations. He was and is always there which has given our kids the confidence, trust and love for their dad. ” My daddy is the best “

Initial 3 days were orientation days and all 3 days his dad has attended the orientation and was in the school but Aayan was in his class and getting familiar with the books, teachers, canteen, library and all the places.

First day in my class!
This is tired me at the lunch hours – Learning to buy lunch on my own!

After the 3rd day when the usual routine started by getting up at 6.30m in the morning rush for brushing, shower and then breakfast. After every 5 minutes, I or his dad will be saying, ” Aayan, fast getting late for the school! packing his snacks and lunch .. morning hours seems like on a roller coaster ride. At the same time, my little Kaira will get up too to see what my big bro is up to. Every day she will be up at the same time to say ” Bye Bye “

Other day i went to pick him up from his school and he was waiting in the queue as it was crowded outside and I was unable to push the stroller inside. All the kids were coming out and he was standing near the corner as instructed by his teacher. When he saw me he smiled and came, in my heart I, was feeling that he will ask me,” Mumma, why are you late ?” but no he didn’t ask me anything. Just said, ” Mumma, you can leave the stroller outside and come !”, I said,” Ok ! will do it next time”

Felt good that no more separation anxiety.

Next day I asked him, how was his school.. he said, ” yes! Good “. I was like wow.. he is enjoying it.

Good to see how much he has changed and gained the confidence to do things on his own.Other day he just asked that he need to buy a book and we said, ” Ok! take the money and buy from the school ” which he confidently said,” Yes will do so “.

I can see that victorious smile on his face when he said my teacher told me that I will be the monitor of my class and he asked,” Do you know why Mumma?” . I said,” ya because you are a good boy “. He smiled,” Yes! I am not naughty that’s why and keep smiling ?”

Never realised when this beautiful transition happened and my little one has grown up into a confident boy.  Love to hear his after-school conversations about his school, his accomplishments, his proud moments at the school. Though small little things but definitely for these little kids who are growing up sharing those moments with parents is all they need!

 I am glad that I can cherish the time with my kids. Someday If they have the chance to read about their childhood.

Do you feel you have some similar moments to share here?


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49 thoughts on “Primary Schooling – A new milestone!”
  1. It's so nice that Aayan has been enjoying his new school! 🙂

    I don't have children yet, and it may take a while, but I can somehow understand what you mean. I have a little sister who I always see as our family's baby, but she just turned 20 and it just hit me in the face. I can't believe how time flies so fast, especially when I look back when we were a LOT younger. XD

    Anyway, keep up the good job in school, Aayan! 😀 Make your Mumma and Daddy proud (although of course, they already are)!

    1. Thank you.. Time just flies thats the reason feel like writing everything about them so that when they grow up we can together enjoy these lovely moments again.

  2. Rearing children with today's generation, really gives much headache to parents. But moral values plays a vital role for them. It's very hard but parents must have the patience to teach their children to the fullest as a good citizen of the land.

  3. Wow, that is quite the day for one so young, but he seemed to handle it pretty well. Such a handsome young man in his uniform to. You must be a very proud mama 🙂

  4. It's great to hear that your son is adjusting well in his school. You have done a good job raising such an independent and confident child. Have fun in school, Aayan!

  5. Parents always find it a bit difficult to send their kid to school, especially when it is the first day of classes. Kid seems to be reluctant in going to school because of unfounded fear and exposure to new company, new environment, and to a formal school teacher. It is good for you your kid enjoys his schooling.

  6. still love to see my old school pictures and especially the ones where I was in primary school. Such lovely timee they were when we had nothing to do in the world except for eating, playing and sleeping. =p

  7. Congratulations! I know how excited I was for each milestone of our eldest child. I couldn't stop taking pictures and the scrapbooks I made haha. Still giddy over each achievement my little ones do too, just can't help but snap shots of each step and each new thing they learn. Good job parents! Have a blast in school Aayan!

  8. I'm glad that your husband is very supportive of your son. It's truly admirable and commendable that he makes time for all these milestones – not every dad does that … mine didn't. I know that Aayan will grow up to become a fine man because you and your husband are being such wonderful parents to him.

  9. Well, I can't say I truly understand you because I am yet a parent. However, I think when this day come to me, I will be nervous and feel happy at the same time because my baby finally goes to school!

  10. MAkes me remember my childhood. I was an independent boy back then. Mom had to work and dad as well. We were left with no choice but be responsible on ouw own.:D

  11. My youngest son is going into high school already, but he is lucky he has seen his elder sister and brother go through it already. I remember when my eldest daughter went to primary school, she was not scared. She was very excited. She loved school and she excels.

  12. You have a good-looking son and yes, first day in school brings joy and also apprehension on what to expect from his classmates and teachers.

  13. My kid will be in nursery this coming june and at this early year im now thinking what s school should i choose for my childs primary school. As a parent all we want for our child is to have good education and help them learn to be independent

  14. It's mum's proudest moment to see her child in school! I could still remember how tiny I was as compared to the 5th/6th year grade… and how I grew up to love studying… Nice memories

  15. oh first day of school are such milestones for us mummies! I truly appreciate this post, having gone through this several times too. Enjoy the bliss!

  16. You’re definitely right! Kids do grow up really fast. Before you know it, they will be off to high school, then college. Let’s value our time with them right now.

  17. Awww… this brings me back to when my youngest daughter started her primary school… after a huge age gap it was like having a new child again… and fortunately… all went well….no tears… pheww….

  18. Congratulations on achieving this milestone. I may not be a parent, but I could certainly understand the stress that parents go through in bringing up their child(ren) as best as they could. Times are so challenging, and the cost!

  19. Awh I completely feel you Pooja, I remember how it was when my nephew first stepped into school. They simply grow up too fast <3 This will be a fun time for Aayan though, what with making new friends and learning new things 🙂 All the best dear <3

  20. How lovely that you were able to document your child's early childhood schooling. Yes, I have to agree kids grow up so fast. I can remember how I hold my nephew back home in PH when he was still a baby and toddler and now he's in school

  21. Your kid is good-looking. 🙂 You always have new beginning for your kids grow up everyday since you always watch on them, so you are good parent. 🙂 My single mom also raised me as Deaf child, it is not easy… My mom have to learn sign language to communicate with me but the sign language is very fun for the kids too. 🙂

  22. wow~~ pooja, you was indeed a lovely modern mama. who chronicle everything about your son's life, which is something that I wanted to do! and I am sure my child would be happy to know that their parents did this! it was a way better to show your love, from your thought! keep in on!

  23. Lovely post, it reminds me of my primary school time, I need to wake up at 5:30 so that in time to get on the bus at 6! Of cos, after that I will sleep on the way to school hehe 🙂

  24. Good to hear Aayan in thriving in primary school. I feel the same about the kids growing up. On one hand, I’m proud that they are more confident and able to do most things by themselves while on the other hands, I miss the young child neediness from them.

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