Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

SCBB- A Cord blood donor turned cancer survivor

cord blood
 Early this year when I went to the Singapore Cord Blood bank (SCBB) office, I met this lovely lady Nisha it was just a fifteen-minute conversation about the cord blood banking.

I was happy to let her know that my first one is cord blood donor and this was the decision we made 6 years back when my son was born. After we had made a decision about it, we did a study about it online and realized how useful and life-saving it can be for someone.

It was not an easy journey so she asked me, ” Whether I am comfortable to share it with everyone and at that point of time I really felt if my journey can give even a single person a courage, strength in their life it is all worth sharing.

You can also read the story on SCBB page or can click on this link

We decided to associate with Singapore cord blood bank to create awareness with all the expecting parents and hoping to see a happy and healthy family !

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30 thoughts on “SCBB- A Cord blood donor turned cancer survivor”
  1. Oh wow, it seems I was oblivious to the importance of cord blood – I was never asked if I would like to donate but like to think I would have in order to help others! Sim

  2. I didn't even know we can donate cord blood, much less to say the significance of doing so. thanks for sharing such valuable information!

  3. I've heard of this many years back and know the importance of storing the cord blood, it's definitely something everyone should look into and invest as it might save your life in future, you never know..

  4. I haven't donated blood yet. I am now seriously considering one. Wow, it's great to know that people still care. And yeah, people are still human inside. 🙂 Inspiring.

  5. It was only after my three kids were born that cord blood donation became an accepted practice. Too bad those stem cells can be of valuable help to someone someday.

  6. Never donated blood before and I haven't heard of cord blood donation being practiced here in the Philippines yet. It looks promising though as it can be used to treat your child if he/she suffers from an illness in the future.

  7. I really admire cancer survivors since I know how the treatments they would undergo. My mom had cancer a few years ago and is now on the road to recovery.

  8. Cord Blood is increasingly used for a wide range of treatments and the research is growing too. I wrote a post on this and I like your addition to the conversation.

  9. I considered doing this when my daughter was born 3 years ago and I actually have regrets to this day not doing it. It is very important but it is also pretty expensive which is why I think most people don't do it.

  10. I have actually read about this and am super interested. Just wondering if there are any charges or cost to donate? It will definitely help to save someone’s life in the future and even maybe my own family

  11. When my i had my 2nd child, I also wanted her to be a cord blood donar but due to complications of her health then, we didnt go for it in the end. Kudos to you for making the decision.

  12. I have to confess I don’t really get the article — you didn’t use cord blood for your cancer treatment, did you? I didn’t really understand the link. That said, I have to say I’m glad you beat lymphoma and went on to have another child! Take care and God bless.

  13. Actually I wanted to donate cord blood.During my pregnancy,I received this information through the handbook which was given by NUH. As a first time mom,everything was new to me.I thought I had to tell my decision at the delivery.So,I did so.Unfortunately I have to arrange everything and show my consent before the delivery.(As per the Dr.)So,we missed this opportunity of donating cord blood.
    You all are so lucky to join with such a good cause!Sharing this info is helpful for the other moms…

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