Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

DIY Pull out String Motor Sensory activity for toddlers

String Motor Sensory activity

String Motor Sensory activity for kids are the most interesting for them to explore and why I thought of doing it at the  first place because my little toddler like every other baby just love to empty all the tissues from the box. So why not something with a box. Secondly it has some new learning which is interesting for her.
It is rainy season here in singapore and to keep kids inside and occupied is not an easy task. You need to keep looking for various activity to do with them and at the same time they should not feel bored with it.

I am actually a big fan of recycle crafts and strongly encourage my kids to do it as well.It is really a brain storming activity itself to think about using a given material and make something good out of it.

You will notice that this activity box helps to develop these skills.

– Fine Motor Skills
– Hand and Eye Coordination
– Sensory experience
– Grasping
– Exploring

Cardboard Box( An empty box)
Ribbons, Strings, laces, pipe cleaner
Coloured sheets
Any other decoration or paint

We had an empty box of formula milk and here we go. I might not be able to cover all the steps but it is fairly easy and you can actually modify accordingly.

To start with we punched few holes in the box as we planned to do sensory motor skills activity.My elder one cut out few coloured sheet with zigzag kids scissors in the different shapes.

He started sticking all the coloured paper cut out on all the sides. Let it dry for sometime as my little one started pulling out.

Now put the ribbons, pipe cleaners etc into the holes and tie them into a knot from inside, so that kids can’t pull out the entire ribbon.They will keep trying to pull it from all the sides to see why it is not coming out?


You can see the various shapes here – we had cut outs in the shape of a triangle, square, rectangle and a heart.

You can cover and close the box from the top or can leave it open, if you wish your little one to explore the ribbons etc from the inside.

Hope you will find this activity useful to try with your toddlers.


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24 thoughts on “DIY Pull out String Motor Sensory activity for toddlers”
  1. It would be fantastic if you could share with us a tutorial on how to make that craft. I'll definitely try and make it with my daughter, for her to play later. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I just love DIY! I don't know why it never once crossed my mind to make toys. This is such a great idea and perfect because I have 2 toddlers at home! Thanks for sharing!

  3. You are quite the creative spirit… and you make lovely things too. I love out of the box creative projects for kids. This fits right in.

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