Tue. Apr 1st, 2025

Happy 4th Birthday Aayan

Happy 4th Birthday
Happy 4th Birthday Our darling Aayan! Birthday celebrations are the best moments which everyone enjoys and Aayan too was anxiously waiting for his birthday.

My little munchkin turned 4 this April and the much-awaited day has come, celebration time at his favourite spot- The Polliwogs

All the while for his birthday party preparation, he has helped me to sort the stuff for goodie bags which he very lovingly told me to reserve one for him too.

He didn’t want to have any theme but his aeroplane pinata !!

Party Hall, decoration, goodie bag everything looked so colourful …… and here was the food! Kiddos favourite snacks on the table.

Here is BIRTHDAY CAKE .. everyone was surprised why there are two cakes but that’s the way Aayan wanted to cut not one but two cakes …No doubt cakes just melt in your mouth…

Here are few beautiful moments we wanted to capture with our Birthday Boy! Cuddly moments 🙂

and here is the BIRTHDAY BOY .. with all smiles and giggles on the cheeky boy 🙂

Here’s birthday wish !!

“A date which became very special for us since you came into our life. Time just flies looking at you growing from a baby whom we hold for the first time to a big boy, listening to your big talks explaining every small thing with your sweetest instructions to tell us that you know everything, your little wishes to get something for you and waiting for us asking ” Mumma Papa what have you got for me?” Every day starts with your bigger than this world “Hug” and it ends with a “lovely kiss”.

God bless you always with the best! Happy Birthday, Aayu 🙂 ”

Kiddie world and everyone is at their best to enjoy!

The most awaiting moment when everyone gathers for cake cutting when everyone wants to stand just next to the table and “Happy Birthday song starts with so much excitement !”

Each and everyone tried their hand at Pinata and why not who don’t love candies !!

Here is my treasure loot! Let me gather everything 🙂 I definitely want to keep this photo where all of them are pointing towards pinata and that smile on their faces is priceless…

Playtime and enjoying all the rides stepping here and there every moment.
Such a happy and blessed day with a smile on everyone’s face!!
Lovely birthday wishes from the loved one …
Aayan’s preschool teacher


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2 thoughts on “Happy 4th Birthday Aayan”
  1. I still remember the party!! Cute kids, lots of fun and gr8 food. Pooja arranged everything perfectly. Kudos 🙂 and I got introduced to this nice place called Polliwogs 🙂

  2. Awesome pics…
    Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY baby..
    May god bless him always….
    wish him lots of lots happiness…

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