Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy Lifestyle
Healthy lifestyle is not difficult to follow but a slight change in your daily routine and eating habits can help you in a long run.

Healthy Lifestyle

1. Eat Breakfast
A healthy breakfast gives you a source of energy to meet the day’s demand in a more stable manner than eating sugar-rich or caffeine laced foods. It should comprise a serving of whole grains, digestible protein and a serving of fruit
2. Spend 30 Minutes Outdoor 
Getting enough sunlight is as important as drinking water and having good nutrition. Our bodies produce vitamin D naturally when we’re out in the sun. This vitamin can protect against muscle weakness, Type I diabetes and more than a dozen different cancers. Sunlight stimulates the pineal gland to produce melatonin, which aids sleep and has been shown for fight cancer. It’s also a natural antidepressant.
3. Sleep Regular Hours
One of the most effective remedies for insomnia and other sleep related problems is to have a regular sleep and wake schedule. This cycle is regulated by our brain as part of a daily rhythm. Chemicals like melatonin and cortisol in our nervous system tell our bodies when it’s time to sleep and wake up. By keeping regular bedtime hours, we strengthen this natural rhythm , which helps us to fall asleep more easily
4. Express Yourself
According to various surveys, bottled up frustrations can effect liver function, which help promote the smooth flow of life energy. This can lead to depression, constipation, body aches, headaches and even hypertension. So de-stress and learn to express your emotions -appropriately !
5. Exercise at your desk
Do a mini workout within your hectic schedule. Take just 10 minutes every few hours and do some simple exercise like shoulder rotation , leg raises and neck stretches. They help you to stay fit, relieve stress and keep your energy levels up.
6. Drink Infusion tea
There’s nothing that soothes like a good cup of freshly brewed tea. The health benefits are plenty, too -studies have shown that tea contain anti-cancer properties and powerful antioxidants. Green tea lowers the risk of heart disease, chamomile helps relax the muscles and aids sleep, rose tea helps digestion and peppermint tea eases headaches.
7. Do Eye Exercise
Eye exercise will keep your eyes healthy and minimize eye strain, especially for heavy computer just takes a couple of minutes. Try these:
>Close your eyes and gently massage them with your fingers using circular movements for one minute.
> Press three fingers against your upper eyelids, hold for two seconds and release. Repeat five times
> Roll your eyes clockwise followed by anti-clockwise. Repeat five times and blink in between each times
8. DIY beauty
Don’t have time for a salon facial ?
Go to Kitchen instead. Common ingredients can be made into natural beauty potions. Banana is a natural anti-wrinkle treatment
mash 1/4 banana, spread over your face and leave for 15 minutes and rinse off.
For a nourishing cleansing mask, mix 1 tsp. of plain yoghurt with juice of 1/4 orange spread onto face and rinse off after five minutes
9 Pamper yourself
Allow yourself little indulgences. Instead of a quick shower , take a leisurely warm bath in the tub with Epsom salts that acts as a natural muscle relaxant and helps to reduce stress. Take some time off for a DIY manicure or pedicure. And always pair your activities with a positive attitude-look into the mirror every morning and tell yourself” I look good I feel good and I will have a great day !”
10. Prioritise
Is your place piled too and schedule too crammed ? List out your priorities and say ” no” to the rest that are not important. If you’re over-committed and under a lot of stress, you’re likely to be unproductive , moody and may even fall ill,. Make time for the things that matter most, and let the less important things take care of themselves.
” Excerpt from a parenting magazine”

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