Sat. Sep 14th, 2024

2021: A new beginning

Let’s not wait for the first or last day of the year to start a new beginning!! Making every moment count!! Happy New Year 2021…

2021: A new beginning

Year 2021

2021 has so much to bring on and a New Year where Aayan will be starting with his Secondary schooling and 4th Jan 2021 will be his first day. Can’t believe where does his primary school has gone!!

Kaira will be starting with her Primary 2 this year and her first day will be 5th Jan 2021. It is usually the same day for both of them to start the school but with covid Singapore still has some restrictions and following the social distancing.

Year 2020

2020 was definitely a year to remember and we will always be part of this history!!

Between all the chaos, fears, uncertainty we have managed to find out the way to live and love whatever we have!!

All the things we have been putting on hold and was way too busy with our everyday life!

Things halted and for once that place we call HOME was really like a home where we did everything we love doing and this time together-whether eating, cooking, messy home, work from home, Home based schooling, old school games, endless cups of tea/coffee l, living in PJs.

Everyday was a movie night.. everyone started going out for walk/exercise together!!

Thank God for everything we have today and we learnt and started appreciating everything we have with us!

Remembering that life is not same ♥️

Hoping #2021 brings happiness, smile and good health for everyone🥰

Setting up my alarms as school and office will start from tomorrow!!


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