Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Nippon Home!

In my earlier post on Nippon Home series – Nippon pre-painting guide and Nippon paint-in- progress where I have mentioned how smoothly and easy it is to get your home painted with Nippon Professional Team. So, we decided to go with  MS144 Reflections which is a sparkle silver series. This is the shade in the colour booklet.

Sparkle Silver Reflection

Since we have more of wooden furniture in our home and going with this colour background looked brilliant to us.Sparkle Silver

The team did their work very professionally and quite fast in painting and clearing the place as well. Entire work of coating and painting took around 2-3 hours and which I felt was nothing when you think about painting. My elder one was in the school and the younger one at home, to keep her entertained for that time was a bit tough. She just recommended us not to touch the walls for at least few hours. Though they have moved the furniture back to the place as there is space between walls and furniture.

Here, on our walls MS 144 reflections and it is blending well with our furniture. I have all the while preferred to have walls in a neutral colour, this momento paint has given a new look not only to the walls but to the entire room.

Final photo

A closer look at the featured wall!

Final photo2

We also got our entrance wall painted as this is the first thing you notice when you enter the home. We are quite pleased with the momento paint and texture though we thought that it will be more shimmery or reflect with lights on as shown in the photo.

Final photo4

The team just recommended us not to touch the walls for at least few hours and not to put the paintwork or mirror. Though they have moved the furniture back to the place as there is space between walls and furniture.

Here is the latest promotion on Nippon Professional Painting services.

Nippon Professional paint

Thank you Nippon Singapore for this lovely momento paint work and giving our walls a new look!

Related Post:

Nippon pre-painting guide

Nippon paint-in-progress

Nippon Paint
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6 thoughts on “Nippon Home!”
  1. Wow I never knew that Nippon had such shimmer paint. You’re right, it does look a lot more textured in their promotional photo. Perhaps it was the lighting there too.

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