Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

Be smart with TheSmartLocal

As a parent, it is not an easy task to keep your kids occupied and enjoy all the activities again and again, still act smart. Most of the time when I have to keep kids engaged at home we usually have some of our favourite activities – Lego, Jenga, Monopoly, colouring, painting and  DIY activities which not only teach them the importance of recycling and upcycling but at the same time we can reduce the unusual trash.

LegofanSome time apart from all this routine and visiting/exploring new activities or various shows in the shopping mall or indoor playgrounds, we need a break to find something different. I thought of exploring something more in Singapore than just all these activities and that is when I came across few topics while searching for things to do in Singapore and places nearby Singapore.

“52 things to do in Singapore before you die“- TheSmartLocal

I could so much relate to it after living in Singapore for so many years and exploring East, West, North, South here, sometimes we feel where to go now and there is nothing to do, I mean seriously nothing! I don’t know whether you also feel the same or it was just my thought while I searched for this topic and landed on this page, the best part is that mostly all the activities are outdoor which means we will be spending more family time appreciating the natural beauty and at the same time learning together too.

Just check out this link to see whether you have done all of them yet or you still haven’t explored. Check out all the activities and surely you will find the right one to do on a weekend.

The Smart Local swimming poolRecently, we went for our first staycation after moving home, school exams and kids falling sick; we couldn’t plan anywhere especially out of Singapore but all we wanted was to escape for a day or two. Possible??  – Yes or No!

Trust me this short break was quite relaxing even if it was just enjoying inside the hotel and not doing anything but still as a backup plan, I thought to find out more scenic places searching on TheSmartlocal website.

Actually not a good time to share about it on a Sunday evening, when you will soon have Monday blues and curse me while reading it but on a positive note you can have a feel good factor while browsing these photos!

The Smart Local Nikoi Island

Actually, thanks to the internet these days getting all the wonderful information has become so much easier with just a click and even the reviews about the hotel and food as well. TheSmartLocal is one of the most influential online media publishers in Singapore. As it was highlighted on TheSmart local website also, I too feel that most of the Tripadvisor reviews are written by foreigners and it might not be a true picture as you can’t compare the two places but for us who are living here it is easier to share our reviews comparing various places and food joints.

You too can be smart with TheSmartLocal!


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